UNDP Supports Tajikistan in Fostering Economic Resilience Through Green Value Chains

June 30, 2024

From left to right: Dilshod Akbarov, Regional Project Manager/ Aid for Trade in Central Asia and Lenni Montiel, UNDP Resident Representative in Tajikistan

UNDP/ Tajikistan

Dilshod Akbarov, the Regional Project Manager of UNDP’s Aid for Trade in Central Asia project, has recently visited Tajikistan to conduct consultations with national counterparts of the project and provide advisory support to the newly recruited project team in Tajikistan. 

The consultations with the national stakeholders focused on key areas of cooperation between UNDP and the government, while the advisory support to the project team involved guidance to finalize and initiate accelerated implementation of the project workplan. These efforts will most remarkably result in UNDP support to the Government of Tajikistan in harnessing the country’s trade potential and value chains, thus contributing to building economic resilience and sustainable development pathways in Tajikistan. 

The main goal of the mission was to discuss with national stakeholders how the project can align its support with national priorities and to facilitate the new team to adjust the work plan accordingly. The national counterparts of the project include the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Agency for Exports, the Committee on Investment and State Property Management, the State Institution ‘Formation and Development of Entrepreneurship in Tajikistan’, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

UNDP/ Tajikistan

“We engaged with our national partners to discuss the current development challenges and export development priorities of Tajikistan,” Dilshod Akbarov remarked. “Our primary objective was to determine how best we can support their efforts.” 

Parallel to this regional project’s priorities in building more resilient economic structures in Central Asia through economic diversification, the national counterparts expressed their interest in exploring collaboration opportunities on several issues. Facilitation of SME access to and use of trade intelligence, expanding advisory capacities of Agency for Exports and Chamber of Commerce and Industry on new markets, enhancing SMEs’ e-commerce capacities and increasing access to entrepreneurship opportunities- especially for women and youth - were highlighted as priority areas for collaboration.

UNDP’s Aid for Trade in Central Asia project, funded by the Government of Finland, also engages with SMEs and farmers in the rural areas of Tajikistan to improve their productive and export capacities through green and niche value chains. 

“By promoting the development of ‘green’ value chains, UNDP aims to increase economic opportunities, introduce innovation in production operations, upgrade technologies and practices, and integrate smallholder farmers into upstream value addition,” highlighted Dilshod Akbarov.

As the project activities are prepared to move forward fast-track, it will be essential to sustain the dialogue and strengthen the partnership between UNDP and the national stakeholders in Tajikistan. The mutual understanding between organizations and the alignment of their objectives will undoubtedly benefit the impact that UNDP can create while supporting Tajikistan’s journey in building economic resilience and paving the path for sustainable development.

About the Project

UNDP’s “Aid for Trade in Central Asia” project, funded by the Government of Finland, focuses on supporting Central Asian countries in pursuing inclusive and sustainable growth patterns by promoting green value chains and by increasing the competitiveness of economies. The project aims to foster more resilient, secure, and gender-responsive economic structures through economic diversification and adapting to the consequences of the COVID-19-induced crisis and other external shocks.

The project addresses the development challenges in Central Asian countries at both upstream and downstream levels through the following dimensions:

  • Supporting enabling environment for building economic resilience, and inclusive and sustainable growth through enabling national policies for trade-oriented private sector development and enhancing green economic resilience 

  • Improving the efficiency of public and trade support services for the private sector with a strong focus on services critical for MSMEs in times of crisis or economic recovery periods 

  • Supporting job creation and improving the efficiency and competitiveness of value chains in green sectors and enhancing the capacities of women entrepreneurs. 

Media inquiries: Nigora Fazliddin, Communications Analyst, UNDP Tajikistan, nigorai.fazliddin@undp.org