From Isolation to Inclusion: Delgermaa's Journey to Inclusive Employment

July 15, 2024

We will leave no one behind.

This is the promise of Agenda 2030. 

However, persons with disabilities (PWDs) face immense challenges in life. They often encounter barriers to education, employment, and social acceptance, leading to isolation and poverty. It’s crucial to break these barriers and create a world where PWDs are valued, included, and empowered to live fulfilling lives, both globally and in Mongolia.

In Mongolia, there are over 100,000 citizens with disabilities, most of whom live in poverty. As of 2023, only 16 percent of working-age PWDs are employed, a stark contrast to the 56.7 percent employment rate of the general population. 

To address these challenges, UNDP is implementing phased, inclusive, and comprehensive approaches in Mongolia to empower persons with disabilities through job opportunities, with generous support from the European Union. This initiative has benefited many, including Delgermaa, a 22-year-old with Down Syndrome. 

UNDP’s “Inclusive Job Mediation” Day event beneficiary - Ms. Delgermaa.

UNDP Mongolia

Meet Delgermaa

"Hello, my name is Delgermaa. I work at a convenience store as assistant," she says, introducing herself with a bright smile.

"Having a job is very nice. It used to be very boring when I stayed home alone," she adds.

Caring for a family member with a disability brings immense love and joy, but also constant worry and emotional strain. The benefits of her job spill beyond her. Her family is thrilled.

Delgermaa with her father, Mr. Munkhjargal, at home.

UNDP Mongolia

“Before she got a job, my daughter used to spend most of her time at home alone due to her disability, leading a secluded and isolated life. As we all have our jobs and duties, she used to stay home alone from the age of 14 until now,” says her father.

"Having a job has changed my daughter's life significantly. Now she is more social and positive-minded" he adds with a sense of relief and pride.

Inclusive Job Mediation

 Delgermaa works as an assistant at GS25 convenience store.  


"I wanted to get a job, have colleagues and friends like others, like my two sisters, and I wanted to earn an income," says Delgermaa, sharing her journey of employment with UNDP’s support.

A targeted, inclusive, and phased approach is crucial when supporting PWDs to get employed, as it ensures tailored support, addresses unique barriers, and gradually builds confidence and skills, leading to sustainable employment and stable societal inclusion.

The “Inclusive Job Mediation Day” event, organized by UNDP’s EU-funded SDGBE project


Thus, UNDP provided a platform and opportunity for PWDs to connect with potential employers, engage in capacity-building activities led by professional job mediation coaches, and assess the skills and abilities of participants with disabilities to match them with suitable job opportunities.

The approach also included capacity building for the employers, helping them adapt and improve their working environments to meet the special needs of potential employees with disabilities. 

The approach also included capacity building for employers, helping them adapt and improve their working environments to meet the special needs of potential employees with disabilities. This comprehensive approach, including on-the-job training and coaching, highlights the importance of tailored support in empowering individuals with disabilities to succeed in the workplace.

Transformation Through Employment

Delgermaa enjoys painting and drawing during her free time.

UNDP Mongolia

Delgermaa’s employment has not only provided her with financial independence but also sparked a transformation in her life. “I like to buy sweets and painting tools,” she says with delight. Her father, Munkhjargal, observes the broader impacts:

“Since my daughter got this job, her behavior has improved, and she has embraced the team spirit at work. These small joys have made her happier and more confident. They have also given her hope for a better future. The job has also taught her responsibility and routine,” adds Munkhjargal. “She wakes up so excited for work every day, and seeing her motivated is wonderful.”

Delgermaa’s story speaks to the concrete impact of inclusive employment initiatives. These efforts have provided her with a job, enriched her social life, and fostered a sense of belonging and purpose. Her story is inspiring many more persons with disabilities to seek job opportunities. And this outcome would not have been possible without the funding of the European Union.

“We are proud to support initiatives under the Budget Support program in Mongolia that foster inclusive employment opportunities and promote decent work. Delgermaa’s story is a powerful reminder of the positive impact that inclusivity can have on individuals and communities, empowering youth with disabilities. This aligns with the EU’s fundamental values of respecting and promoting human rights, gender equality, and diversity and inclusion,” says Her Excellency Axelle Nicaise, Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia.

Let us all work together, hand in hand, to build a society where everyone can contribute and thrive, regardless of their abilities.

Delgermaa walking to work with her father.

UNDP Mongolia

Written by Zoljargal Byambadorj, Project Content Development Officer, UNDP in Mongolia