UNDP’s Women Creative Labs: Empowering Women Through Creative Spaces

July 15, 2024

Women’s empowerment is pivotal for sustainable development. In many developing regions, particularly rural areas, women face unique challenges that hinder their potential, including limited economic opportunities and persistent stereotypes. Innovative solutions are required to harness women's capabilities, and the creative economy offers a significant opportunity for economic growth, social stability, and community well-being. 

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

The Creative Economy and Women

The creative economy has immense potential to boost GDP and employment by enabling innovation and production of valuable products and services. Creative industries create jobs, improve quality of life, and foster inclusive societies. In many regions, women make up a substantial portion of the workforce in these industries, often working informally. However, financial barriers and a lack of safe creative spaces prevent many women from fully participating.

To address these challenges, UNDP launched Women Creative Labs (WCL), the first women-oriented coworking spaces in Kyrgyzstan. These labs, developed in collaboration with local NGOs and municipal governments, provide women with access to seed financing, training, and a supportive environment to develop their business ideas in creative enterprises. The success of the Osh lab in 2022 led to the establishment of additional labs in Jalal-Abad and Batken in 2023.

According to Gulsana Abytova, Head of the Laboratory in Jalal-Abad and Batken:“We were very eager to address the issues of women's unemployment and income through the strengths of women—practical skills in making kurak (patchwork), shyrdak (wool carpet), souvenirs, providing tourist services, and more. Women need to meet like-minded individuals, share their ideas and experiences, and receive support. They can find all this at the Laboratory.”

Aidarbek Alisherov, Head of Ketmen-Döbö village, also recognized the lab's impact: “In 2023, women from our village joined the Women's Creative Laboratory, focusing on guesthouses in tourism and tourist services. This initiative led to guesthouses opening and increased involvement in traditional crafts. The lab has enabled women to develop the potential of our region and create conditions for prosperity.”

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

Impact and Model of the Women Creative Lab

The labs empower women financially, emotionally, and psychologically by providing essential resources and skills. Over 300 women have become lab residents, and more than 1,000 women have joined the network in various locations. The model is unique and scalable, enabling grassroots organizations to adapt it to local contexts and achieve both financial and content sustainability.

The establishment of a women's cooperative in Kyzyl-Kiya and a lab initiative to develop Toktogul into a tourist destination are examples of the model’s success. Inspired by these achievements, three new labs are planned to open in the Naryn region this year.

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

Challenging Gender-Based Stereotypes 

The Women Creative Lab not only provides economic opportunities but also challenges gender-based stereotypes in rural areas. By contributing to household incomes, women gain higher status within their families and communities. The lab fosters a nurturing environment where women can build self-confidence, develop new skills, and improve their quality of life. 

Altynai Abdyshova, a resident of the Osh Laboratory, shared: "The laboratory is a community of victorious women. It's a place where new ideas, plans, and dreams are born! It's a circle where you can be heard and accepted regardless of age, social status, field of activity, or nationality." 

By organizing under the lab's umbrella, women gain agency in representing their interests to local authorities. This collective identity empowers them to advocate effectively for their needs and aspirations, fostering a supportive environment where women's voices are heard and respected in local decision-making processes.

Sustaining and Scaling Impact 

Changing mindsets and societal norms is crucial for sustainable progress. Establishing a network of Women Creative Labs across Kyrgyzstan can sustain and scale the impact of the labs. In these environments, the ethos of "women supporting women" naturally evolves, enabling women to achieve their aspirations while reshaping societal roles. This transformation paves the way for a future where women and girls have equal opportunities to realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities. 

By fostering creative spaces and challenging stereotypes, UNDP’s Women Creative Labs are making a profound impact on women's empowerment and community development in Kyrgyzstan.