The Imperative to Address Technology-Facilitated Violence and Its Impact on Women's Digital Citizenship

UNDP Albania

July 16, 2024

From: Erjola Kaci, Project Manager, Ending violence against women in Albania.

Recent tragic incidents in Albania have highlighted a disturbing intersection between gender-based violence and technology, underscoring the urgent need to address technology-facilitated violence and its broader implications for women's digital citizenship.

Case Studies Illustrating the Crisis

Two recent cases in Albania serve as stark reminders of the dire consequences of technology-facilitated violence. In Durres, a 41-year-old woman committed suicide, an act attributed to a combination of domestic violence and cyberbullying. Her previous reports of online harassment went inadequately addressed, revealing gaps in legislation and enforcement against such offenses. Similarly, in Tirana, a 27-year-old woman took her life after intimate photos were shared online by a 39-year-old man, leading to his arrest. These incidents are not isolated but indicative of a broader, systemic problem that demands immediate attention.

Digital Citizenship: A Critical Component of Modern Society

Digital citizenship, which encompasses the responsible and ethical use of technology, is crucial for protecting women's rights in an increasingly digital world. In Albania, the concept of digital citizenship needs further developing overshadowed by traditional notions of citizenship. The country's communist history compounds this challenge, necessitating a redefinition of citizenship that includes digital dimensions.
A robust understanding of digital citizenship involves privacy, security, and ethical online behavior. It also requires fostering behaviors and skills that safeguard personal information and promote positive online interactions. In regions like Albania, where these concepts are not widely understood, the anonymity of digital spaces can be exploited by perpetrators, disproportionately affecting women and girls.

The Broader Implications of Technology-Facilitated Violence

The digital landscape's evolution has brought both opportunities and significant risks, especially for women who face unique challenges online. Technology-facilitated violence includes any violent act perpetrated, assisted, or aggravated through information and communication technologies. This form of violence shares many characteristics with offline violence, such as the intent to harm and the creation of power imbalances.

The impact of such violence is profound, disrupting victims' immediate circumstances and affecting their self-perception and relationships. This often leads to self-censorship and withdrawal from online civic engagement, which can have lasting effects on victims' professional, social, political, and economic lives. Furthermore, technology-facilitated violence erodes digital citizenship by isolating victims from crucial social connections and undermining their autonomy and sense of identity.

The Societal Impact and the Path Forward

The disproportionate impact of technology-facilitated violence on women exacerbates existing inequalities and undermines their fundamental rights and safety. This not only impedes their active participation in society but also diminishes their overall well-being, perpetuating various forms of inequality and obstructing the benefits of the digital revolution.

Addressing this issue comprehensively is imperative for fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. This requires a multifaceted approach that includes updating legislation, improving enforcement, and promoting education about digital citizenship. By doing so, we can protect vulnerable groups, particularly women and girls, and ensure that the digital landscape is a safe and empowering space for all.

The tragic events in Albania are a wake-up call to the urgent need to address technology-facilitated violence. By recognizing and strengthening digital citizenship, we can mitigate the harmful impacts of this violence and pave the way for a more just and equitable society. The responsibility lies with policymakers, technology companies, and civil society to work together in creating a digital environment where everyone can participate safely and equally.

The Role of UNDP in Addressing Technology-Facilitated Violence

UNDP plays a pivotal role in addressing all forms of violence, including technology-facilitated violence, and promoting women's rights in Albania. By providing essential resources and support, UNDP assists in the formulation and implementation of comprehensive strategies to tackle these issues. The objective of these initiatives is to establish a safer environment, thereby ensuring that all individuals, with particular emphasis on women and girls, are able to exercise their rights in both offline and online contexts without fear of violence or harassment.

Furthermore, UNDP strengthens the capacities of local coordinators of domestic violence and other members of the coordinated referral mechanism in Albania. This proactive approach guarantees the effective identification and management of cases involving survivors of all forms of violence, including technology-facilitated violence. By developing the skills and knowledge of these key local actors, UNDP contributes to the creation of a more responsive and supportive system that better protects and empowers survivors of violence, thereby reinforcing efforts to ensure safety for all.