Empowering journalists, public sector and NGO specialists to combat corruption in Uzbekistan through enhanced training and collaboration

July 26, 2024
Photo UNDP Uzbekistan

Organisers and participants of media training on anti-corruption mechanisms

Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

More than 40 media specialists, members of public council and representatives of NGOs participated in the three-day media training to enhance their capacities in using anti-corruption mechanisms on 23-25 July 2024 in Tashkent region, Uzbekistan.

Organised by the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan and UNDP Uzbekistan, with financial support from the European Union, the workshop equipped participants with knowledge and skills to combat corruption with a focus on working with open sources, investigating corruption risks, adhering to ethical standards, and avoiding conflict of interests. Practical sessions featured exercises on identifying corruption cases in public procurement documents, verifying information and fact-checking, and public monitoring procedures.

The main objective of the three-day training was to discuss and formulate effective practices for the National Anti-Corruption Media Strategy of Uzbekistan, which plays a significant role in fostering a culture of integrity and transparency, encouraging public engagement, and promoting intolerance towards corruption within society. As a result of discussions, several recommendations were proposed, such as creating an online interactive forum for public discourse, preparing anti-corruption tools for journalists, involving youth in anti-corruption activities, and enhancing the availability of data sources.

a person sitting at a table

Umida Tukhtasheva, Deputy Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency

Photo: Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ms. Umida Tukhtasheva, Deputy Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan emphasized:

“In establishing strong public oversight based on the disclosure of classified information, NGOs and mass media come to the fore. Using the opportunities given to them, they can create useful content for the people and society.”
She added that this collaborative effort is essential for promoting transparency and accountability and empowering citizens to actively participate in the fight against corruption.
a group of people sitting at a table

Mr. Wim Riepma, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan

Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

Mr. Wim Riepma, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan, highlighted the importance of public officials declaring their assets and making procurement documents transparent to ensure necessary actions are taken and laws are applied equally to everyone. 

"Fight against corruption is a fight for people, in this case, people of Uzbekistan to have a just society,"
- he said, acknowledging the EU's support in the collaborative efforts of the Agency and UNDP to prevent corruption in all areas and empower citizens to reject corruption in their daily lives.

"Workshops like these help us find the answers to key questions that we as journalists face in the course of our investigations: what websites should we visit, and where to find the information we need? How do we access and disclose the information in an organised manner?" - said Yulduzkhon Olimova, a journalist at the “Mening Yurtim 5” TV channel, underlining the need for journalists, bloggers, and the public to develop skills for monitoring the state agency websites to cover the fight against corruption.

Shakhnoza Joldasova, Chairperson of the Youth Parliament under the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, remarked that, in her opinion, it was the first time representatives from various fields had gathered in an informal setting to discuss the fight against corruption. "A real friendly atmosphere was created," – she said, adding that the event also featured interactive quizzes and games, which was a unique element not encountered in other workshops.

This media training represents a significant step in the ongoing collaborative efforts to empower everyone involved in fighting and reporting corruption. The workshop offered valuable insights into strengthening and developing tools for effective investigations. By emphasizing the use of open data, public oversight, and transparency, this initiative aims to enrich the National Anti-Corruption Media strategy of Uzbekistan. 

The media training was organized by the joint project “Strengthening the National Anti-Corruption Ecosystem in Uzbekistan”, implemented by the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP Uzbekistan and funded by the European Union. The project focuses on legal and institutional reforms, enhancing law enforcement response to corruption, and promoting social accountability through civic engagement. These efforts are expected to strengthen the national anti-corruption framework, enhance integrity at the regional and local levels, and increase civic engagement and awareness.

For more information about the project, please contact: 

Dilfuza Abulkhasan, UNDP Project Manager, at dilfuza.abulkhasan@undp.org
Fotima Turgunboeva, Communication Specialist, at fotima.turgunboeva@undp.org