Fighting Fires in Albania: A Partnership Fueled by Courage and Collaboration

UNDP Albania

August 5, 2024
Fighting Fires in Albania: A Partnership Fueled by Courage and Collaboration

A Noble Job

Often, you hear kids say they want to become firefighters. They play with firefighter toys, imagining the heroism and excitement of the job. To the grownups this is a noble job.

What they don’t know is what it means to fight fires in the middle of a heatwave, with temperatures soaring to 43 degrees? It’s a noble job indeed. It takes not only duty but personal conviction. It takes passion. It takes strong and unmatched courage.

The Challenge

Albania is no stranger to natural and man-made hazards, including floods, earthquakes, droughts, and fires. The Albanian Fire Protection & Rescue Service (AFPRS) is the primary operational search and rescue workforce, always on standby, ready to respond to incidents ranging from small-scale fires to large-scale disasters. The recent heatwave, with temperatures reaching up to 43 degrees, has only intensified the frequency and severity of fires, making the role of AFPRS even more critical.


The earthquake on November 26, 2019, was a profound turning point for Albania. While it caused significant loss and damage, it also served as a wake-up call. The aftermath highlighted the urgent need to strengthen disaster preparedness, adopt robust rescue and response systems, and enhance the capacity of firefighting services. The conclusion of the Post-disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report underscored this necessity, leading to a concerted effort to fortify the country’s firefighting capacities.

In response to these challenges, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with funding from the Government of Poland, is implementing a project to support and strengthen the AFPRS. This partnership aims to modernize, increase standards, and enhance the operational and response capacities of municipal firefighting services across Albania.

One of the cornerstone achievements of this intervention is the construction of two fire stations in the municipalities of Fier and Pogradec. These stations are built according to sector and construction standards, ensuring that they are equipped to meet the demands of modern firefighting. The strategic location of these fire stations enhances the response time and effectiveness of firefighting operations in these municipalities.

The provision of modern firefighting equipment is another critical component of this initiative. Three 4x4 fire trucks have been donated to the municipalities of Lezha, Fier, and Pogradec. These trucks are designed to navigate challenging terrains, making them invaluable in rural and urban firefighting operations. Additionally, three Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) containers have been provided to the municipalities of Lezha, Fier, and Durres, further bolstering their search and rescue capacities.

Fighting Fires in Albania: A Partnership Fueled by Courage and Collaboration

Firefighting is an inherently dangerous job, made even more perilous by extreme heat conditions. To ensure the safety of the firefighters, 169 sets of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) have been distributed among the municipalities of Kamza, Kavaja, Kruja, Kurbin, Shijak, Lezha, Fier, and Pogradec. This equipment includes fire-resistant suits, helmets, gloves, and boots, designed to protect firefighters from the intense heat and hazardous conditions they face daily.

Equipment alone is not enough. To maximize the effectiveness of the new resources, extensive training sessions have been organized. These sessions provide standardized basic and specific knowledge on firefighting techniques, enhancing the operational capabilities of 356 firefighters. The training includes modules aligned with the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) guidelines, ensuring that firefighters are well-prepared to assist with surface search and rescue operations in the immediate aftermath of disasters.

Fighting Fires in Albania: A Partnership Fueled by Courage and Collaboration

Voices of Firefighters

Commander of Lezha Municipality fire service, Jasim Simonia, a veteran firefighter from Lezha, shares his experience: "The new equipment has been a game-changer for us. The 4x4 fire trucks allow us to reach fire sites quickly, even in the most challenging terrains. The PPE gives us the confidence to face the heat and smoke, knowing that we are protected. The training has also been invaluable, helping us refine our techniques and work more efficiently as a team."

Armand Gorra, Commander of Pogradec Municipality firefighters, said: “The impact of these interventions is felt across the communities. Residents in the affected municipalities have noticed a significant improvement in the response times and effectiveness of firefighting operations.”

Teuta, a resident of Cakran village in Fier, recalls a recent fire incident in the olive yard near her home: 'A fire broke out during the peak of the heatwave, threatening our neighborhood.' Within minutes, the firefighters arrived and managed to contain the fire before it reached the houses. The terrain was steep, but the fire truck maneuvered close enough to stop the spread. They used the water cannon to project water over a long distance. Their swift action saved our olive yards and homes.

Monica Merino, UNDP Resident Representative in Albania, says: “The contribution of the Government of Poland has been instrumental in enhancing Albania's firefighting capabilities. This partnership has brought about significant improvements in the capacity and effectiveness of the Albanian Fire Protection & Rescue Service.

Through the provision of modern equipment, protective gear, and comprehensive training, this project has not only enhanced firefighting capabilities but also strengthened the resilience of communities across Albania.”
The stories of firefighters like commanders Simoni and Gorra and the gratitude of residents like Teuta speak to the profound impact of this intervention.

As Albania continues to face the challenges of natural and man-made disasters, the strengthened firefighting services stand ready to protect lives, livelihoods, and development gains.


In the eyes of the children who dream of becoming firefighters, these real-life heroes are more than just figures of admiration—they are the embodiment of bravery and dedication, showing that with the right support, even the toughest challenges can be met head-on.