Ethiopia Capital Market launches a regulatory sandbox

Heralding a new era of innovation

September 3, 2024

On Thursday, 29th August 2024, the Ethiopian Capital Market Authority (ECMA) officially launched Ethiopia’s first Capital Market Regulatory Sandbox.

The event brought together industry leaders and innovators, with remarks from the ECMA’s Director General Ms. Hanna Tehelku, UNDP Ethiopia’s Resident Representative Mr. Samuel Doe, and the expert team from Mpensa Impact hired by UNDP to support the ECMA. Together, they highlighted how this groundbreaking initiative is set to transform the future of capital markets in Ethiopia.

a group of people standing in a room

UNDP 's partnership on this initiative speaks to the importance of an enabling environment for SMEs access to innovative & inclusive finance to deliver on the SDGs. - UNDP-Ethiopia Resident Representative Mr Samuel Doe.

The Regulatory Sandbox is open to a wide range of applicants, including: 

Licensed Firms: Established institutions with ECMA licenses seeking to innovate within their existing operations. Unlicensed Firms: Start-ups and companies introducing new financial market products or services that may require regulatory approval in the future. Technology Providers: Companies developing technological solutions that support regulated activities, such as compliance tools, risk management systems, and financial market technology innovations.

Apply before 30th September 2024 for a chance to join the Ethiopian Capital Market Regulatory Sandbox. 

Download the document below for details on how you can participate.