GEF and UNDP will support the Republic of Moldova to mobilize funds to protect its biodiversity

October 2, 2024
Un stol de pescăruși înoată într-un corp de apă
The Lower Prut reserve is located in the south-western part of Moldova, in the Cahul district

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will support the Republic of Moldova to mobilize resources at scale to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework. For that, authorities will be assisted to develop a national biodiversity financing plan, that will also include baseline diagnostics, capacity, and institutional arrangements. The support is offered as part of a global Umbrella Programme to Support Development of Biodiversity Finance Plan, to be implemented during 2025-2028 in 91 countries.

The Biodiversity Finance Plan will enable the stakeholders to increase resources and reduce needs by greening sectoral budgets and identifying areas where available resources can be used more effectively. 

"Thanks to this pilot initiative, the Republic of Moldova will be able for the first time to assess its financing gap for the national biodiversity area. The assessment will be paired with development of a comprehensive national finance plan that contributes to achieving national targets to maintain flora and fauna. These important exercises, to be supported by UNDP and GEF, will result in a better understanding of the full funding required for the protection of the country's ecosystems. Furthermore, integration of biodiversity into major economic sectors such as agriculture and tourism will contribute to improved balance between economic development and environmental sustainability," mentioned Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Resident Representative to the Republic of Moldova.

The initiative will contribute to the realignment of expenditures to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity and enhance benefits. New financing targeted at biodiversity will be generated and current conservation practices to release additional resources for biodiversity will be improved.