Overview of participatory budgeting practices in Uzbekistan

Overview of participatory budgeting practices in Uzbekistan

September 26, 2024

The Government of Uzbekistan continues the implementation of the Public Financial Management reforms in the country. One of its important dimensions provides for enhancement and further involvement of citizens into the budgetary process through participatory budgeting.

According to international practice, participatory budgeting, along with the openness and transparency, is regarded as one of the tools to ensure the government’s accountability. Another important aspect of this process is using participatory budgeting as a tool for enhancing the government’s performance.

Implementation of participatory budgeting in Uzbekistan has started in 2019, and by now some experience has been already accumulated. What was the process to implement participatory budgeting? What are the peculiarities and successes of the national practices? What else shall be implemented? These questions are answered in the publication “Overview of participatory budgeting practices in Uzbekistan” that has been prepared with the support of UNDP. Information provided in this publication will be useful both for further development of participatory budgeting in Uzbekistan and for experience sharing.

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