What we do

The ATHENA project, "Advancing the Human Rights Agenda and Enhancing National Authorities," is designed to support the Government of Armenia in strengthening its human rights framework and fostering democratic governance. The project aims to build the capacity of national institutions to uphold human rights, with a focus on inclusiveness, transparency, and gender-responsive policymaking. It seeks to ensure that human rights, equality, and participation are central to governance and public service delivery, particularly for vulnerable and marginalised groups. The project also focuses on improving Armenia's engagement with international human rights mechanisms, ensuring the effective implementation of the Human Rights Action Plan (HRAP), supporting constitutional reforms, and legal aid reforms to ensure access to justice for all. 

The ATHENA project, funded by the European Union and running from 2024 to 2027, is implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA. 


The Project's overall objective is to enhance effective and accountable service delivery grounded in good governance principles and respect for the rule of law in the area of human rights. Specifically, it aims to strengthen a rights-based approach in public service delivery to ensure protection, equality, and inclusiveness.

This will be achieved through six outputs: 

Output 1. Institutional capacities of the Human Rights Defender’s Office (HRDO) and the Office of the State Representative on International Legal Matters in protecting and promoting human rights are more effectively strengthened and access to their services is increased.

Output 2. The implementation, coordination, communication, monitoring and evaluation of the Human Rights Action Plan (HRAP) 2023-2025 is improved and the capacities of the HRAP responsible agencies strengthened.

Output 3. Public awareness on human rights with a particular focus on human rights of the vulnerable and disadvantaged groups is increased.

Output 4. Capacity of the Ministry of Justice on human rights, justice and constitutional reforms strengthened and public awareness is raised.

Output 5. Victim-centred support services for survivors of GBV and sexual violence enhanced.

Output 6. Mechanisms and capacities for delivering quality free legal aid to vulnerable population enhanced.


Expected Results 

Performance indicators by 2027

  1. at least 80% of the activities of the HRAP 2023-2025, in the areas including fair trial, prevention of torture, non-discrimination are effectively implemented; 

  2. New draft HRAP 2026-2028 is developed through a participatory process and submitted to the Government;

  3. at least one new regional HRD office established and equipped; 

  4. 70% of the relevant staff of responsible agencies reported increase of knowledge on implementation of the roadmap for the new amendments to the Constitution;

  5. 300,000 persons reached by the public outreach campaign on free legal aid and services of Public Defender’s Office.