Issue Brief - Advancing Human Rights, Equality and Inclusive Governance to end AIDS

Issue Brief - Advancing Human Rights, Equality and Inclusive Governance to end AIDS

March 16, 2017

Despite the significant progress in scaling up work on HIV human rights, violations and stigma remain serious barriers to better HIV and health responses. Greater focus on protecting, upholding and fulfilling the rights of people living with HIV and those most affected is essential for delivering on the pledge made by Member States  in Agenda 2030 to leave no one behind. 

The Global Commission on HIV and the law issued its landmark report in July 2012 and made several recommendations how the law can be used to respond to HIV in an evidence informed, rights based manner. Since the release of the Global Commission’s report, UNDP, working in partnership with UN Member States,  civil society, UNAIDS cosponsors, the UNAIDS Secretariat, and other partners has supported the advancement of the Commission’s recommendations in at least 88 countries. This Issue Brief provides a short overview of the Commission’s report and a snapshot of outcomes it has contributed to.