2010 Annual Report on UNDP’s Rule of Law Global Programme
2010 Annual Report on UNDP’s Rule of Law Global Programme
July 24, 2017
UNDP is producing tangible results on its justice and security work in conflict and crisis-affected countries. Through its Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations UNDP is building peace and promoting access to justice and security in over 20 fragile contexts.
- In Nepal, community-based paralegal programmes were expanded to 70 villages; mobile legal aid clinics provided free legal services and information to 1524 people in 2010 (80% women); and community mediation centres successfully resolved 60% of the 230 cases registered.
- In Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leonean Bar Association’s legal aid mechanism— the country’s first ever legal aid scheme—provided services to 953 beneficiaries in 820 cases in 2010. To date, six local civil society organisations provided legal aid to 1879 survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, resulting in 45 convictions, compared to just 10 in 2009 and none in 2008.
- In the DRC, 8 paralegal centres were established. In 2010, 183 survivors of sexual and gender-based violence benefited from paralegal services at such centres. In North Kivu, 68 police investigators from the National Congolese Police were sworn in in 2010, quadrupling the number of criminal investigators in this province.
- In Kosovo (UN administered territory) in 2010, a Parliamentary Committee effectively reviewed legislation designed to improve oversight and accountability mechanisms for security institutions.
- In Somalia in 2010, 2905 police were trained across the country. Police Advisory Committees were established as independent oversight mechanisms, which now monitor, mentor and train police force and prison personnel on gender, human rights, and how to treat detainees with dignity.
- Through its Global Rule of Law Programme, UNDP is engaged in joint programming with DPKO in 6 peacekeeping settings.