Assessment of the Impact of Migration and Displacement on Local Development


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Assessment of the Impact of Migration and Displacement on Local Development

May 2, 2017

As more populations around the globe are displaced due to conflict, poverty, climate change, poor governance, and other social ills, the international community has called upon transit and host countries to provide support. This assessment evaluates the overall socio-economic and possible environmental impact of the displacement situation in border communities in Turkey, Serbia, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and highlights key findings from, and recommendations for, these three countries.

The report seeks to analyze municipal responses, challenges faced, and solutions employed, particularly in terms of service delivery. The report combines observations, anecdotes, and findings to identify municipal capacity gaps or under performing legal, administrative, planning and governance processes. The report provides lessons learned that demonstrate the resourcefulness of local communities that work together with civil society. Furthermore, the report includes an original knowledge bank that identifies salient challenges and best practices associated with the current crisis.