Working together for the people of Nicosia - The New Nicosia Wastewater Treatment Plant
Working together for the people of Nicosia - The New Nicosia Wastewater Treatment Plant
March 26, 2014
In Cyprus, wastewater managment has been at the core of bi-communal cooperation between the two communities of Nicosia since the 1960's.
Through the project for the New Nicosia Watewater Treatment Plant, the Sewerage Board of Nicosia, the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme have been promoting and facilitating access to wastewater services for both communities of Nicosia as a fundamental contribution to the ongoing peace and confidence-building process.
This booklet describes the long-lasting bi-communal collaboration that led to the the construction of the New Nicosia Wastewater Treatment Plant and the benefits that the new Plant's technology can bring to both communities.
- 270,000 people from both communities will be served by the new plant
- 30,000 m3 of wastewater will be treated in the new plant everyday on average
- 10 million m3 of treated water per year could be reused for agricultural irrigation
- Depending on the type of crop rotation strategy, approximately 500 hectares can be irrigated with treated water reducing the over-extraction of groundwater in the area, thus enhancing water resources and water conservation