What Georgians know about climate change. 2020

What Georgians know about climate change. 2020

February 9, 2021

The present survey is the first-ever research on climate change perceptions, knowledge and behaviour that covers all social groups of the Georgian society.

The data was collected by face-to-face interviews with 1,100 respondents in urban and rural settlements across the country in August and September 2020.

Key findings:

  • 97.6% of respondents have heard about climate change.
  • 91.35% think that climate change is real and poses threats to humanity.
  • 25.9% of Georgia’s population believe that international organizations will be able to manage the consequences of climate change.
  • The majority of respondents think that climate change is more important than international terrorism and armed conflicts (57.9%).
  • 36.19% believe they can do nothing to tackle climate change (among them, women: 41.4% men: 30.1%).
  • Global warming and draughts (96.11%), disasters (92.84%), melting glaciers and warming ocean (91.83%) are considered as negative effects of climate change.
  • 86.7% of Georgia’s population are aware that energy efficiency measures can reduce their monthly expenses, and 7.9% believes that energy efficiency measures do not affect their monthly expenses.  

The survey was conducted by the Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus (REC – Caucasus) commissioned under the EU4Climate(link is external) programme that is funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP in the six Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.