Respond, innovate & leave no one behind to 'Orange the World'
November 17, 2021
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
Livestream Event
25 November, 2 December and 8 December 2021
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign that takes place each year. It commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day, indicating that violence against women is the most pervasive breach of human rights worldwide.
The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence for 2021 under the global theme “Orange the World: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW!”. Within the global theme, UNDP is having a three-day live stream events on Facebook between 25 November and 10 December 2021, with the participation of UN representatives, governmental authorities, civil society organisations (including women’s organisations, youth groups and persons with disabilities unions), private sector and media presenting success stories and best practices to respond to gender-based violence, promote innovation and take action to leave no one behind.
Event 1: Respond
- Executive Director Vanuatu Human Rights Coalition, Anne Pakoa
- UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji Resident Representative, Levan Bouadze
- UN Women Resident Representative, Sandra Bernklau
- Ministry of Women, Children & Poverty Alleviation in Fiji, Reijeli Mawa
- UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, Gender Team Leader, Koh Miyaoi
- Vanuatu Spotlight Initiative, Yasmine Bjornum - SISTA
- Ministry of Women, Children & Poverty Alleviation in Fiji, Thomas Bali
- GBV and Environment Degradation, Aliti Vunisea
By stressing every one of the countries it touches, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the potential to create devastating social, economic and political crises that will leave deep scars. In this context of lockdown measures and physical distancing, preventing and responding to gender-based violence in the Pacific region is more crucial than ever. In this session, we look at UNDP and implementing partners interventions to prevent and respond to GBV during COVID-19 pandemic. We will explore barriers to access GBV prevention and response services across the Pacific region, existing referral services and how they have been affected by the pandemic and other crisis like environment degradation. Drawing on evidence from current UNDP experiences, this discussion will highlight challenges, programme responses and adaptations and outlines key points for programming, advocacy and systems change.
Link to watch stream: click here to watch the Facebook stream
Event 2: Innovate
- UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji, Gender Focal Point, Merewalesi Laveti
- UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for Solomon Islands Sub-Office, Berdi Berdiyev
- UNDP Sub-regional Gender Specialist, Josphine Candiru
Panel I: Adaptation and Innovation: new approaches for delivering gender-based violence services and information
- Tonga Family Protection Legal Aid Clinic, Fitilagi Fa'anunu
- Solomon Islands Dreamcast Theatre
- Lautoka Market Vendors Association President, Filomena Ditukana O’Neil
Panel II: The role of male champions to counter Gender-Based Violence
- Family and Sexual Violence Legal Adviser, Tevita Seruilumi
- Solomon Islands Dreamcast Theatre, Creative Director, Neil Nuia
The costs of GBV are substantial. Violence against women and girls impedes their full participation in society, limits access to education and economic participation, and hinders efforts to achieve gender equality broadly. In this session, we will hear how innovative solutions are helping to better support survivors of GBV through digital development and involvement of civil society.
Link to watch stream: click here to watch the Facebook stream
Event 3: Leave no one behind
- UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji, Programme Associate, Isikeli Valemei
- FSM National Congress, Senator Dr. Sappa Konman
- UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for FSM Sub-Office, Kevin Petrini
- UNDP Pacific Office Deputy Resident Representative, Yemesrach Workie
- The Fiji Police Force, Senior Superintendent of Police, Bereta Naisua
The impact of COVID-19 is not gender-blind, therefore the response to it should not be either. Not only during the pandemic but in everyday development work, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals—to leave no one behind—cannot be fulfilled without ending violence against women. In this session, we will hear from local partners and UNDP experiences to better reach and serve groups that are marginalized and most likely to be left behind in the fight against GBV. This discussion will highlight how to formulate inclusive projects and activities where recovery is centred on the principle of leaving no one behind.
Link to watch stream: click here to watch the Facebook stream