About us

UNDP in Pakistan

UNDP works with the Government and people of Pakistan to develop local solutions to development challenges. In an evolving development context, we support Pakistan’s efforts to build a more equitable, prosperous, peaceful and resilient society, and to achieve its SDGs and COP26 targets. UNDP promotes transformational change by fostering strategic partnerships with national counterparts in the federal, provincial and regional governments, civil society, the private sector and the local and international community.  UNDP supports transformational change by providing technical assistance focusing on developing capacity within national and local authorities, providing solutions with strong monitoring and evaluation tools, and delivering programmes with maximum efficiency, transparency and accountability.

UNDP’s ultimate goal is to improve the lives of the people of Pakistan through keeping people out of poverty; governance for peaceful, just and inclusive societies; crisis prevention and increased resilience; nature-based solutions for development; clean affordable energy; and women's empowerment and gender equality. 

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What do we want to accomplish?

UNDP is working with the Government of Pakistan, civil society, national partners and the people of Pakistan to help find solutions to persistent development challenges. We work to build lasting institutional capacity, provide technical expertise to improve development outcomes, and help link the Government and people of Pakistan to innovative global solutions in areas such as improved data quality and collection, better environmental management, climate change finance and adaptation, strong and accountable governance mechanisms and capacities to respond effectively to conflict and disasters.

We continue to provide strong policy advice and advocacy on normative UN issues such as gender equality, tackling social and economic inequality, human rights and the rule of law. In responding to natural and man-made disasters and crises, UNDP works closely with the National, Provincial and District Disaster Management Authorities for strengthening, capacity building and risk reduction response systems throughout Pakistan.

UNDP promotes transformational change by fostering strategic partnerships with national counterparts in the federal, provincial and regional governments, civil society, the private sector, and the local and international community. UNDP supports this change by providing technical assistance focusing on enhancing capacity within national and local authorities, developing solutions with strong monitoring and evaluation tools, and delivering programs with maximum efficiency, transparency, and accountability.

What are our results?

Who are the decision-makers?

The UNDP Pakistan Country Office is led by Resident Representative, Mr Samuel Rizk, supported by the Deputy Resident Representative for Programmes, Ms. Van Nguyen, and the Operations Manager, Ms. Otgontsetseg Zundui .

There are four CO programme units: Crisis Prevention and Inclusion (CPIU), Resilience, Environment and Climate Change (RECCU), Democratic Governance (DGU) and Development Policy (DPU), each headed by an Assistant Resident Representative.

UNDP works with the Government of Pakistan and respective ministries through our designated counterpart, the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. All UNDP activities mentioned in the Country Programme Action Plan are approved by the Government.

Districts of Pakistan where UNDP worked in 2021

Syed Asfar Hussain/UNDP Pakistan