Fast Facts - Rule of Law

Fast Facts - Rule of Law
June 10, 2014
The poor and marginalized are too often denied the ability to seek remedies in a fair justice system. UNDP promotes effective, responsive, accessible and fair justice systems as a pillar of democratic governance.
Recent reforms in the law and justice sector in Pakistan have been characterised by efforts led by the judiciary, keen interest from the media and civil society organizations, public demands for access to justice, and an emphasis on investing in justice and security issues from international development partners.
These conditions have created momentum and an opportunity for collective action to increase access to justice and improve the administration of justice in Pakistan. UNDP in Pakistan helps to create overarching visions and strategies that ensure all the links in the justice chain are included, so that reform measures are not ad hoc but catalytic and self-reinforcing. Every context is unique and requires its own tailor-made solution.