National Action Plan: Sustainable Energy For All
National Action Plan: Sustainable Energy For All
December 14, 2019
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) is goal seven of the Sustainable Development Goals. SEforAll is an all-encompassing approach linking energy access to other goals. SEforAll National Action Plan is a comprehensive and holistic long-term action plan, aligned with Pakistan Vision 2025 and national energy policies. The plan ensures overall sector-wide coherence and synergy of the collective efforts toward the three goals of SEforAll to be achieved by 2030.
In total, the energy sector offers an investment potential of $66.56 billion under a high growth scenario till 2030 to achieve the SEforAll objectives in Pakistan. The SEforAll three main objectives are:
a) Universal energy access,
b) Doubling the share of renewable energy, and
c) Doubling the rate of energy efficiency.
Access to energy at national level is 73%. There are 32,266 villages in the country which will remain without grid access1 in coming years. These villages have sparsely distributed population and are in remote locations which is making expansion of grid financially unviable and technically challenging. Provincial comparison of access shows that Sindh has the highest number of un-electrified villages, followed by Punjab, KP, and Balochistan respectively. On the other hand, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) compared to the rest of the country have over 90% access to the grid. Contrary to electricity access, access to the gas network is even lower where only 25% of the households have a piped-gas connection. The major source for cooking in households across the country is firewood. AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan do not yet have a piped gas network. Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement’s (PSLM) survey2 analysis reveals that 60.6% households are relying on non-commercial source of energy i.e. firewood for cooking.