UNDP Pakistan Annual Report 2023


Annual Report 2023

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UNDP Pakistan Annual Report 2023

October 16, 2024

The year 2023 was an especially important year for Pakistan’s development and resilience agenda. Following the 2022 floods, with its devastating toll on human, infrastructure and economic capital, much attention, nationally and internationally, centered around the recovery efforts which were in full swing throughout the year. With generous support from international partners, flood-affected communities, including youth, women and people belonging to marginalized communities, regained access to basic services through infrastructure, housing and shelter, and received support through cash-for-work programmes.

Recognizing the unprecedented scale of the disaster, UNDP supported the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan in Geneva, where Pakistan secured financial pledges of nearly US$ 11 billion for the national Resilient Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Framework (4RF). Nearly 70 per cent of that amount has been received, and much has already been implemented. UNDP collaborated closely with government and development partners through the International Partners Support Group (IPSG) to ensure that timely, effective, dignified and sustainable recovery efforts will lead to a path of normalcy for the most affected populations.

Given Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change, the centrality of the resilience, adaptation and early warning agenda cannot be overstated, specifically to ensure communities are well positioned for any future shocks. In the mountainous regions of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), where flood risks are high, UNDP has supported early warning systems that help save lives and assets from disaster. Monsoon and winter contingency plans also built community resilience against glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) and climate-induced disasters.

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Regions and Countries