
UNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance

Advancing knowledge, data and insight on frontier governance issues

Newest Announcements

Strategic Dialogue on Peace, Governance and Transition in Syria


The UNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance (GPCG) convened the latest in its series of strategic dialogues on governance issues in Oslo. The “Strategic Dialogue on Peace, Governance and Transition in Syria” brought together UN officials, Norwegian diplomats, aid agencies, academic research institutes and civil society representatives to focus on the ongoing crisis in Syria and the prospects for sustainable peace and inclusive, accountable and effective governance. The closed-door dialogue was opened by Shoko Noda, Assistant Administrator and Director of the UNDP Crisis Bureau, who was joined by Sudipto Mukerjee, UNDP Resident Representative in Syria.

In his keynote presentation, Geir O. Pedersen, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Syria, suggested that “all indicators in Syria were pointing in the wrong direction, security, economy and no progress in the political process”, adding that it was “not possible to stabilize the situation in Syria without all parties compromising". Held under the Chatham House rule, the forward-looking discussions covered a range of topics, including the political process, addressing the humanitarian and developmental crisis, challenges to state institutions and socio-economic stability, the refugee situation, accountability and the need for the meaningful inclusion of civil society voices. The strategic dialogue was moderated by Arvinn Gadgil, Director of the UNDP GPCG in Oslo.

13 June 2024

Mission Statement

The UNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance is the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) dedicated knowledge, research and analytical centre for governance issues. From its office in Oslo, Norway, the Centre draws on the experience of practitioners, policymakers and researchers, serving as a convener of new ideas, conduit of frontier research, and connecter of disciplines. Through these efforts, the Centre aspires to be a conversation starter and meeting space that fosters transformative change in governance systems at national and global level. 

Our Focus


The Global Policy Centre for Governance is committed to being a responsive and agile entity that tackles frontier governance issues and challenges. Currently, our Focus Areas include Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; Fair and Green Transitions; Information Integrity; Financial Integrity, and Anti-Corruption.

Focus Areas will adjust as and when required to address emerging needs for knowledge, data and insights on frontier governance issues.

Focus Areas
