Financial Integrity
and Economic Governance for Inclusive, Accountable and Effective Governance Systems
Focus Area
Each year, billions of dollars are stolen, laundered, and hidden from governments and communities around the world. At the global level, a shadow financial system allows for the obscuring of accountability and ownership, of tax rights and duties and hides crime and conflict-fueling finances. Corruption, illicit financial flows, money laundering, embezzlement, and financial secrecy all contribute to a severe drain on development financing, and they help drive mistrust, inequality, and the abuse of power. This impact negatively on public service delivery and creates significant obstacles to the Sustainable Development Agenda’s leave no one behind promise.
Financial integrity is about ensuring that the financial system operates in a clean, transparent, and accountable way. That economic and financial activities are conducted in line with the legitimate financial rules and standards and that these are contributing to sustainable development. Strengthening financial integrity is about governance and systems transformation – working with the system of values, policies and institutions by which society manages its economic, political and social affairs. It entails navigating the political economy of change, strengthening institutions, and supporting state, civil society, and private sector actors to collaborate around change.
UNDP’s Global Policy Center for Governance works to strengthen financial integrity at the global and national levels. Achieving financial integrity for sustainable development requires greater transparency, stronger institutions, enhanced accountability, and more cooperation at the national, regional and global levels. We support this through close collaboration with a range of partners, developing new research and knowledge, and deploying innovative methodologies to convene change agents, develop capacity and support policy change.
The Center currently runs two initiatives on issues of financial integrity: Finance, Integrity and Governance (FIG): In the lead-up to the fourth Financing for Development Conference (FfD4) in 2025, the FIG initiative facilitates constructive policy dialogue on financial integrity and governance issues in the context of Financing for Development, as a ‘knowledge track’ separate from but in support of member states’ negotiations. It does so through three in-person multi-stakeholder policy symposia between mid 2024 and early 2025 and through supporting policy papers. The initiative is funded by Norway and is implemented in close collaboration with UNDESA. Action on Transnational Corruption (ATAC): This initiative seeks to develop a radically different approach to understanding, connecting, and tackling transnational corruption collectively and more effectively. ATAC deploys systems thinking and complexity-grounded methods specifically designed to deal with complex problems. Working with a broad coalition of stakeholders across the globe, the initiative seeks to help improve our understanding of transnational corruption and surface opportunities for tackling it. The initiative is funded by the MacArthur Foundation.
Newest Announcements
Working Paper from the second Finance, Integrity and Governance (FIG) Initiative Symposium
The 2nd working paper of UNDP Global Policy Centre for Governance’s Finance, Integrity and Governance (FIG) Initiative was recently published. The paper compiles the views of over 65 experts who participated in the 2nd FIG Policy Symposium in October 2024 in New York to discuss how the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) can incorporate the financial integrity principles of accountability, inclusiveness, and effectiveness into public debt arrangements and the practice of finance-related professional service providers (‘enablers’).
You can access the second working paper at the FIG publications webpage, along with the working paper from our 1st FIG Policy Symposium. Once you click on the download button, a drop-down menu will show a link to each of the working papers.
To learn more about the 2nd FIG Policy Symposium, you can visit the following link.
The second FIG working paper, based on a FIG symposium in October 2024, has been produced with the support of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).
Two-Pager on 'exploration phase' of ATAC initiative
Each year, billions of dollars are stolen, laundered, and hidden from governments and communities from around the world. Corruption, bribery, theft, tax evasion, and other illegal schemes to move money are estimated to cost developing countries hundreds of billions of dollars a year. These outflows far exceed Overseas Development Assistance to low and middle-income countries. As a result, some of the world’s poorest countries are stripped of resources that could have been invested locally and used to fund much-needed public services. At the same time, dirty money is having a corrosive effect on the economies and political systems in the countries where it ends up.
Working Paper from the first Finance, Integrity and Governance (FIG) Initiative Symposium
The Finance, Integrity and Governance (FIG) initiative facilitates informal and explorative conversations between policy-makers, practitioners and researchers on the importance of financial integrity and governance for financing for development. The initiative, which consists of three policy symposia ahead of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in 2025, serves as a co-creative knowledge track that is separate from but in support of member states’ formal negotiations. The first FIG policy symposium was held in Oslo on 14 and 15 May 2024 under the Chatham House Rule. It focused on the interlinked topics of international tax cooperation and illicit financial flows. This working paper highlights key messages from the symposium.
Our Financial Integrity Team
Julia Kercher, Team Leader
Søren Vester Haldrup, Innovation and Transnational Corruption Specialist
Ulises Bobadilla, Junior Researcher