A series of interactive and online training workshops are being organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA).
The training will focus on technical guidelines on how to measure the indicators and feature national experiences from the region. The main objectives of the training are:
- Strengthen technical capacities of national authorities to produce, analyze and disseminate relevant SDG 16 indicators
- Strengthen the organizational framework by bringing together the different actors of the data ecosystem.
- Promote a “SDG 16 data community” among data producers and users for the exchange of experiences around SDG 16 measurement.
All data producing national actors in the field of crime, justice, governance, human rights, non-discrimination or equality in Africa are invited to participate. This includes representatives from national institutions such as National Statistical Offices, Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons, Ministries of Interior and Justice, National Human Rights Institutions and other relevant entities.
These training webinars will familiarize stakeholders with concepts, international standards and methodological tools, as well as an understanding of the challenges required to measure SDG indicators related to violence prevention, strengthening criminal justice systems, prisons, access to justice, combating organized crime, illicit trafficking, corruption, preventing conflict-related deaths, legal identity, protecting fundamental freedoms, inclusive accountable, and effective public institutions, promoting and enforcing non-discriminatory laws and policies.
Key SDG 16 methodological guidelines that will be discussed include:
- International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS)
- Manual on Victimization Surveys
- Manual on Corruption Surveys
- Handbook on Governance Statistics
- SDG 16 Survey Initiative
- SDG 16 Metadata Database
The webinar series will be conducted virtually, the primary language will be English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Arabic. This training will foster interactive dialogue and participants are encouraged to take an active role during the sessions. During the sessions, participants will be invited to share their countries’ experiences in data collection, ask questions to expert speakers and exchange challenges and concerns. In addition, each participant will have access to the SDG 16 Hub platform which will be used as a forum for thematic discussions throughout the six-week training.
To attend the training, participants are invited to Register Here
For further information please contact: sdg16indicators@undp.org