Implementing Peace Agreements: From inclusive processes to inclusive outcomes

Implementing Peace Agreements: From inclusive processes to inclusive outcomes

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Implementing Peace Agreements: From inclusive processes to inclusive outcomes

May 13, 2020

Fresh insight on putting peace agreements into practice is available in this report from UNDP and the Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative, Graduate Institute in Geneva. Implementing Peace Agreements shows that when peace agreements are inclusive, more people can take part in the process, and that means greater public ownership, acceptance, transparency, and knowledge-sharing. In other words, the more effectively that people are included in implementation, the more durable the peace. The report provides useful knowledge for governments, international organisations, NGOs, academics, researchers, and others who are involved with building sustainable peace. The report represents a marked new approach to peacebuilding, and is being used, for example, to assist in peace processes in Sudan and South Sudan.
Document Type
Sustainable Development Goals