OpenMRS is the main patient care system used in many developing countries. OpenMRS houses more than 12.5 million patients’ medical records, in over 5,000 health facilities across more than 65 countries.

Those countries that already experience strained resources and a higher burden of disease are now turning to OpenMRS for help in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on their high-risk population. More than at any other point in our history, OpenMRS and the larger global goods community, is well positioned to support these countries to respond to a pandemic by expanding their capacity through better scientific based information at their fingertips.
As the frontline system for patient care in many developing countries, OpenMRS can be used for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) screening, treatment, and surveillance efforts that can result in saved lives. Leveraging the flexibility of the OpenMRS platform alongside the community’s experience in the Ebola crisis response, the team are working together with the WHO and CDC to provide scientific-based guidance and tooling to those environments that they serve.