SINGAPORE and BRASILIA DECEMBER 13, 2024 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Government of Brazil have announced a strategic partnership aimed at equipping Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Brazil with frameworks, tools and resources to commence basic sustainability reporting, and in doing so promote access to capital, supply chains, and new business opportunities in the global green economy.
As the backbone of the global economy, MSMEs play a vital role in Brazil, where they account for over 90% of all businesses in the country. This collaboration will build on the work done under Project Savannah,¹ with the goal of piloting the Savannah framework with MSMEs in the Brazilian ecosystem.
The Government of Brazil, represented by the Ministry for Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Business (MEMP) and the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC), will work with UNDP and other agencies to identify a pilot sector, engage local stakeholders to localize the Savannah metrics, and develop a roadmap to harness technology and simplify MSMEs’ ability to report on a basic set of sustainability metrics.
A playbook will be developed that documents the progress of the pilot in Brazil, and outlines steps to replicate its successes across other sectors in Brazil, as well as in other countries.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), as a founding member of Project Savannah, will lend support to the pilot by leveraging its Gprnt (pronounced Greenprint) disclosure tool to support Brazilian MSMEs in making simplified, technology-augmented sustainability disclosures. Gprnt will endeavor to automate as much of this process as possible, by pursuing connections to key data sources identified by UNDP and Brazil as part of this pilot.
This initiative marks a significant step in building capacity for sustainable practices within the sector, and a mutual exchange of knowledge. The insights gathered will not only enhance sustainability efforts within Brazil but also inform global dialogues on best practices for MSMEs. The project will also provide valuable insights to strengthening Brazil’s existing national sustainability programs, including “Selo Verde Brasil” and “Selo Amazônia”, led by MDIC.
Marcio França, Minister of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Business of Brazil (MEMP) stated: “Supporting MSMEs in their sustainability journey is pivotal for Brazil´s economic and environmental future. This partnership underscores our commitment to empowering small businesses with the tools they need to thrive in a global green economy. By equipping MSMEs with simplified reporting mechanisms, we are fostering innovation, expanding access to global markets, and strengthening their role as engines of sustainable development”.
“Empowering micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to adopt sustainable practices is essential for driving a resilient and inclusive economy. This partnership with the UNDP and the Savannah Project reinforces MDIC's commitment to innovative solutions that simplify sustainability reporting and enhance global competitiveness. Through initiatives such as the "Programa Selo Verde Brasil”, established by Decree No. 12,063, of June 17, 2024, we are promoting the adoption of sustainable practices and strengthening the role of MSMEs in Brazil's leadership in sustainability, decarbonization, and the construction of a global green economy”, stated the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (MDIC).
“Addressing the challenges of sustainability reporting faced by MSMEs is a key priority today, as highlighted by global platforms such as the G20. This partnership represents a powerful opportunity to advance sustainability both locally and globally. By integrating feedback from Brazil, Project Savannah will continue to evolve, ensuring that MSMEs have access to the best tools and resources to pursue sustainable growth” stated Marcos Neto, UN Assistant Secretary General and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support.
Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief FinTech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore, said: “Project Savannah was conceived to equip smaller businesses with transformative frameworks and technologies to quickly overcome their ESG reporting challenges and gain access to the growing ecosystem of opportunities in sustainability. The MAS is pleased to support this groundbreaking national-level pilot through the involvement of Gprnt, which harnesses technology and automation to greatly simplify MSMEs’ reporting journeys. We look forward to the success of this pilot with the UNDP and Government of Brazil, to pave the way towards promoting a more inclusive and sustainable ecosystem for MSMEs across the globe.”
About MEMP
The Ministry for Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Business (MEMP) is a cabinet-level federal ministry in Brazil. Operational since September 2023, it oversees policies, programs, and initiatives aimed at formalizing and registering businesses and supporting micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and entrepreneurship, local production arrangements, and handicrafts. It also works to promote microcredit and facilitate access to financial resources, to foster capacity building, internationalization, competitiveness, innovation and sustainable growth of MSEs.
About MDIC
The Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC) is the Brazilian ministry responsible for policies related to the development of industry, commerce, and services; intellectual property and technology transfer; metrology, standardization, and industrial quality; foreign trade policies; regulation and execution of programs and activities related to foreign trade; application of trade defense mechanisms; participation in international negotiations concerning foreign trade; and the development of the green economy, decarbonization, and bioeconomy in the context of industry, commerce, and services.
About UNDP
UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations. The Global Centre for Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development is a joint initiative by the Government of Singapore and the UNDP which aims at identifying and co-creating technological solutions for sustainable development. The Centre curates partnerships, identifies solutions and connects partners and innovations with UNDP’s Global Policy Network and development partners.
About MAS
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapore’s central bank and integrated financial regulator. As a central bank, MAS promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth through the conduct of monetary policy and close macroeconomic surveillance and analysis. It manages Singapore’s exchange rate, official foreign reserves, and liquidity in the banking sector. As an integrated financial supervisor, MAS fosters a sound financial services sector through its prudential oversight of all financial institutions in Singapore – banks, insurers, capital market intermediaries, financial advisors, and financial market infrastructures. It is also responsible for well-functioning financial markets, sound conduct, and investor education. MAS also works with the financial industry to promote Singapore as a dynamic international financial centre. It facilitates the development of infrastructure, adoption of technology, and upgrading of skills in the financial industry.
MEMP Communications Contact
Marcos Felix, +5561998831340
UNDP Communications Contact
Li Wen Ng, +65 8919 7991
MAS Communications Contact
Koh Liang Wei
¹ In June 2023, UNDP, MAS and GLEIF launched Project Savannah in Rwanda. Project Savannah is a global initiative to develop digital Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) credentials for (MSMEs) worldwide by: (i) Develop a set of global baseline ESG metrics for MSMEs; (ii) Harness technology to simplify MSMEs’ reporting against these basic ESG metrics at low cost; and (iii) Explore global networks capable of housing and transmitting verified ESG data to MSMEs’ business partners, transparently and efficiently.
² Gprnt was launched by MAS and private sector partners in 2023 as an open and interoperable data platform that interlinks the financial sector and real economy to facilitate efficiencies in collecting, accessing and harnessing high-quality ESG data to drive green and transition efforts by: (i) Automating ESG disclosures for businesses through integration with various public and private data sources; (ii) Facilitating access to aggregated ESG data, benchmarks and insights; and (iii) Connecting ESG market solutions to investors, financial institutions, and corporates, to support their respective business needs.