Digital Inclusion Playbook 2.0

Cover page of the Digital Inclusion Playbook 2.0: From Access to Empowerment in a Dynamic World

Digital Inclusion Playbook 2.0

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Digital Inclusion Playbook 2.0

September 21, 2024

Digital inclusion is a critical foundation for shared economic and social progress. It is important that no country or community be excluded from full, meaningful, and broad-based digital participation. Drawing upon collective insights gained from a 100-day global consultation across over 30 countries, the UNDP Digital Inclusion Playbook 2.0 presents a holistic, multi-stakeholder strategy effective in our dynamic global landscape.

We highlight the importance of countries responding proactively to the opportunities and risks posed by AI and other technological advancements, as well as global socio-economic trends. Our Strategic Action Framework enables countries and communities to unlock the power of collaboration across the public, private, and people sectors, translating the aspiration of digital inclusion into real impact.