Anticipating Risks and Uncertainties for Asia and the Pacific: 2023 Updated Key Risks Report

Anticipating Risks and Uncertainties for Asia and the Pacific: 2023 Updated Key Risks Report
May 31, 2023
This 2023 Key Risks Report builds upon the UNDP RBAP Strategic Foresight Network’s "Anticipating Risks and Uncertainties for Asia and the Pacific: A Hybrid Horizon Scanning Report" (December 2022) analysis report of over 400 indicators of change seeking to identify potential risks and uncertainties in the Asia-Pacific in the short, medium and long term. Since the first report was published in December 2022, increased interest and attention have been directed to the report’s key risks and what these means for policy and programming decisions in the region. For this reason, this abridged report serves to explore and update the key risks outlined in the larger report by thematic risk cluster.