Combating Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking
Combating Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking
March 2, 2015
Wildlife trafficking is among the five most lucrative illegal trades globally, worth an estimated 23 billion USD annually. It is a multifaceted global threat that erodes biodiversity, ecosystems and creates insecurity that fuels conflict and corruption. Poaching and wildlife trafficking strip countries of their national assets, disrupt social cohesion, and undermine the rule of law.
UNDP supports efforts to combat the illegal trade in wildlife, both fauna and flora, drawing on an integrated approach. We leverage our expertise, partnerships, and global networks to support countries eradicate poverty, protect the environment, empower women, and build strong institutions, all of which support the rule of law. UNDP work focuses on diversifying rural livelihoods, managing human-wildlife conflict, and sharing the benefits from sustainable wildlife management.
The UNDP-GEF biodiversity and ecosystems portfolio is the largest in the UN system, covering over 130 countries and 500 projects with USD 1.5 billion in funding and USD 3.5 billion of co-financing. We have helped establish over 2,000 protected areas in 85 countries around the world, covering 272 million hectares of land. Building on this portfolio of work, we are exploring new and innovative partnerships with governments, UN agencies, the World Bank, wildlife conservation organisations and civil society groups.