Cyberviolence against people living with HIV and key populations: opportunities for prevention and response

Cyberviolence against people living with HIV and key populations: opportunities for prevention and response
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June 26, 2023
Recent data highlights that key populations and their sexual partners account for a significant number of new HIV infections worldwide. Violence is one of the critical drivers of the epidemic among these groups, and is increasingly taking place in virtual spaces, leading also to increased physical violence against women, young people, people living with HIV, and key populations.
In line with UNDP’s HIV and Health Strategy 2022-2025 and role as a Cosponsor of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, the issue brief: "Cyberviolence against people living with HIV and key populations: opportunities for prevention and response" discusses cyberviolence and measures to prevent and respond to it. The brief highlights good practice that can be adapted to local contexts and is intended for governments, communities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders engaged in HIV responses that leave no one behind.