Drought Risk Management: Practitioner's Perspectives from Africa and Asia
Drought Risk Management: Practitioner's Perspectives from Africa and Asia
January 9, 2014
This publication is one of the main outputs from our activities of the Africa-Asia Drought Risk Management Peer Assistance Network. Drought is not a new phenomenon: a large part of Africa and Asia have been facing increased climate variability and extreme events. The terms such as risk reduction, vulnerability reduction and resilience building are increasingly becoming the new hot topic being highlighted at various drought discussion fora. The fact that the regions continue to have repeated drought crisis every few years and that the situation continues to exacerbate proves that a durable solution has not yet been fully put in pace.
The report reviewed the current institutional and programmatic landscape in the realm of drought risk management (DRM) in the two regions and mapped out some of the main DRM capacity gaps and gap-filling opportunities. It highlights the priority areas to which the inter-regional south-south cooperation could add values, based upon the interviews with key individuals in both continents, an online survey of some 400 people working in drought related fields and the First Africa-Asia Drought Adaptation Forum held in Bangkok, Thailand, in June 2011.