Integrating Migration Into Governance Interventions


Integrating Migration Into Governance Interventions

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Integrating Migration Into Governance Interventions

February 1, 2022

The Toolkit on Integrating Migration into Governance Interventions is part of a series of tools developed under the Mainstreaming Migration into International Cooperation and Development (MMICD) project, funded by the EU and implemented by IOM.

This toolkit, developed in partnership with UNDP, is intended to provide concise, operational, user-friendly information, and tools to support partners in understanding how migration can be reflected in the development cooperation interventions that have a governance focus. Designed to be used by international cooperation and development actors working in, or with, the governance sector, the toolkit can be adapted to various contexts to make development cooperation more coherent and effective by harnessing the development potential of migration and ensuring that any related challenges and/or opportunities are fully assessed.