Resilient and renewable energy systems for local government centers and designated resettlement sites




Resilient and renewable energy systems for local government centers and designated resettlement sites

November 23, 2015

Access to electricity is a critical need in disaster and post-disaster situations in order to ensure that communications, health and basic needs can be provided. The vulnerability of the grid system to natural calamities highlighted the need for more resilient, local sources of power supply to augment the on-grid system in disaster-prone regions.

Renewable local energy systems, such as solar, micro- and pico-hydro or local biomass systems, are less vulnerable to disruptions, not to mention being more affordable to run and more environmentally sustainable.

This initiative proposes to provide self-contained renewable energy systems to critical local centers (health centers, clinics, etc.), as well as to selected relocated households (targeting the poorest beneficiaries) in order to provide affordable and sustainable access to electricity that is more resilient to disasters and natural hazards.

Project Objectives

  • To establish functional renewable energy systems (e.g. solar, wind, hydro, biomass or hybrid) that will provide affordable energy to village centers and relocated households in the poorest affected areas, paired with livelihood applications
  • To contribute to energy security and raise awareness on sustainable energy and energy efficiency