SIDS: Looking Back and Forward

SIDS: Looking Back and Forward
May 27, 2024
Over the past 10 years, UNDP's initiatives aligned closely to the SAMOA Pathway, Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda action areas. UNDP’s integrated SIDS Offer Rising Up for SIDS, launched in 2020, articulates a clear strategy to respond to their most pressing needs as well as bring forth innovative solutions to the complex developmental challenges and threats they face for a better future. This offer aims to boost actions on nature and climate, drive efforts on the blue and green economy and propel digital transformation across SIDS, with innovative development finance and data as enabling cross-cutting areas.
This report takes stock of achievements and lessons learned during the last decade with the SAMOA Pathway and development priorities in SIDS, offering insights for the next 10 years. The global challenge is to embrace development that achieves human well-being while accounting for the climate emergency and avoiding the further depletion of natural capital. The upcoming decade offers a chance to focus on innovative, interconnected actions for SIDS to realize ever more inclusive and equitable development.