UNDP's Energy Strategy

UNDP Energy Strategy
DownloadUNDP's Energy Strategy
May 16, 2017
UNDP’s Sustainable Energy Strategy Note, 2017-2021: Delivering Sustainable Energy in a Changing Climate articulates – for the first time – UNDP’s vision, mission, approach, guiding principles, and focus in the area of sustainable energy. It also highlights the critical role that sustainable energy plays in advancing major outcomes from post-2015 global processes including the SDGs, the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the New Urban Agenda.
The strategy builds on UNDP’s strengths and over two decades of experience in promoting sustainable energy solutions around the world. It comprises three key action areas in line with SDG7 targets: increasing access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy; increasing the global rate of improvements in energy efficiency; and increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
UNDP’s approach in supporting countries to achieve the above three interlinked areas relies on a suite of integrated interventions in policy, technology, finance, delivery systems, capacity development, community mobilization, and awareness raising to reduce and, where possible, remove a range of barriers that inhibit investments in scaling up sustainable energy solutions.