B+HR Academy: Regional Human Rights Due Diligence Training for Companies Operating in Southeast Asia

July 12, 2023
Banner for B+HR Academy SE Asia training
Event Details

September 18, 2023 -
September 19, 2023


Bali, Indonesia

SUBMIT AN APPLICATION(link is external)


In partnership with the Government of Japan, the UNDP B+HR Academy is hosting its first regional training on human rights due diligence (HRDD) for businesses in Southeast Asia. 

The training will provide companies with a better understanding of the potential human rights impacts of their operations and practical knowledge on how to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for these impacts through HRDD. The training curriculum is specific to the dynamism of the Southeast Asia region and aims to help companies interested in or already operating in this region ensure alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), as well as other emerging policies.

Deadline for submission: 24 August 2023

Why should companies join the B+HR Academy?

– To learn from leading international and local experts and guest speakers about business and human rights, including on existing and upcoming human rights due diligence legislation and policies
– To get access to the latest analysis of the most salient human rights impacts 
– To receive free of change, confidential, expert guidance on how to conduct human rights due diligence
– To enhance their ability to remain competitive in the global market while pursing wellbeing of society
– To cultivate a network of like-minded business professionals

Who should apply?

The B+HR Academy is designed for companies operating or with an interest in in Southeast Asian market. 

More specifically, this training targets business professionals who cover Southeast Asian market and work in the following areas of practice: 

  –  Senior management/Board of Directors
  –  CSR/Sustainability/ESG 
  –  Supply chain management 
  –  Procurement
  –  Human resources 
  –  Legal and compliance 
  –  Risk management 

About the Training

This edition of the B+HR Academy is the first regional human rights due diligence training for ASEAN countries. Its curriculum has been developed based on the UNDP Training Facilitation Guide on Human Rights Due Diligence as well as context assessments on responsible business practices of Japanese companies and supply chains conducted by UNDP in Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam. The guide includes modules that introduce the concept of responsible business, provide real-life case studies, and a practical guide for implementing the UNGPs, with emphasis on the process of human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for adverse human rights impacts. 

The course will adopt participatory and active engagement approaches. In particular, it will combine short lectures with discussions, Q&A and case study exercises to facilitate its application. 

The training is organized back-to-back with a training for Indonesian companies, which is taking place on 20-21 September at the same venue.

Supplemental Sessions (20 September)
Closed-Door Guidance Sessions for Individual Companies

The regional B+HR Academy also offers one-on-one guidance sessions for selected participating companies interested in conducting a human rights impact assessment. The guidance session aims to provide opportunities for selected companies on an initial confidential review of their readiness to undertaking human rights impact assessment, including to further discuss best practices and challenges in implementing responsible business conduct. 

The guidance session is available for a selected five companies who have indicated strong interest and commitment to undertaking human rights impact assessment. The session would be conducted in person in the same venue for a 60-minute session for each selected company.

Thailand and Viet Nam Country Sessions

Companies operating or interested in Thailand and Viet Nam markets can join a country session on Day 3 covering both Thailand and Viet Nam. During the session, our specialists in Thailand and Viet Nam and their local experts will provide a brief on the business and human rights risk profiles of each country, as well as the local policy environment and momentum on responsible business conduct. 

Training Objective

The training aims to support business efforts to remain competitive by ensuring compliance with human rights standards throughout their supply chains and provide an opportunity for companies in the region to take stock of progress and challenges respecting human rights in Southeast Asia. 

The training also aims to create peer-learning opportunities for companies to discuss common challenges and solutions in promoting and respecting human rights in their operations.

Certificate of Attendance

Upon successful participation in the training and satisfactory performance in taking the training assessment (i.e., survey), participants will be given a certificate of attendance.

Training Format 

The event will be organized in person. Approximately 40 participants from a maximum of 40 companies are expected to participate  in the training.


The event will be conducted in English, with interpretation in Japanese and Bahasa Indonesia.

Participation Cost

The UNDP B+HR Academy (HRDD Training and Guidance Session) is not a commercial event and UNDP does not charge for attendance. As such, companies attending the HRDD Training and Guidance Session are responsible for their own travel costs, including flight tickets, in-ground transportation, and accommodation. 

SUBMIT AN APPLICATION(link is external)