One UN and Government of Rwanda Sign a New 5-Year US$ 400 million programme

January 21, 2022

One UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Lamin Momodou Manneh, and Honourable Ambassador Gatete Claver, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning signing the UNDAP document on July 24th, 2013 (Photo: Nausicaa Habimana Kantengwa)

Kigali, July 24th, 2013 – With the formal signing of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP) on July 24th, 2013, the Government of Rwanda and the One UN-Rwanda have launched the UNDAP 2013-2018.  The document outlines how the UN will support the Government of Rwanda’s development and transformational agenda, through the second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2) for the upcoming five years with a total budget of US$ 400 million. The signing ceremony of the document was presided over by the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and was attended by the Honourable Ministers of Education, Gender and Family Promotion, Health, as well as other senior government officials, and representatives of the development partners including UK, Sweden, South Korea, and the Netherlands. “The UN belongs to all of us and working together is very crucial,” said the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Hon. Amb. Gatete Claver, before explaining that “the UNDAP is one comprehensive programme document, which supports the most crucial areas of our development agenda”.

The One UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Lamin Momodou Manneh, added “ the UNDAP reflects our strong commitment to more results orientation and increased transparency and accountability… the UNDAP replaces the several joint UN programmes and multiple UN agency-supported initiatives previously captured in the UNDAF with a single, coherent business plan for all the UN agencies, funds and programmes in Rwanda”.

The UNDAP 2013-2018 has an estimated budget of US$ 400 million, and is fully aligned to the Government of Rwanda’s (EDPRS 2), as it was prepared in close consultations with the Government, development partners, and other stakeholders, notably NGOs and the private sector. In line with the need for the UN System in Rwanda to be more focused, the UNDAP will support only three major results areas as emphasized by the UN Resident Coordinator: (1) Inclusive Economic Transformation, (2) Accountable Governance, and (3) Human Development/Foundational Issues. It also includes a Business Operations Strategy, which aims at reducing transaction costs in a significant way. “In response to the demand for the UN to be more efficient and effective, Rwanda is the first country worldwide to integrate the Business Operational Strategy in the UNDAP” explained Mr. Manneh.

The successful implementation of the first EDPRS (2008-2012) has positively impacted the country’s development agenda, which experienced strong annual economic growth rates, averaging 8% per annum, and a dramatic poverty reduction of 12% from 2006 to 2011. “Our development results are due in large measure to strong and innovative government leadership and the support of our development partners as we embarked on widespread and innovative macroeconomic and structural reforms at a time of great national need guided by a bold vision for development” said the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning.

Mr. Manneh recognized and commended the active support President Kagame has rendered to the UN system in facilitating its reforms not only in Rwanda, but also globally. The Resident Coordinator also pointed out that UN agencies in Rwanda have worked more harmoniously and efficiently, and deliver better results in supporting the Government since the national implementation of the Delivering as One UN System in 2008. “The finalization of this UNDAP document is another important milestone as it constitutes a significant further progress along the path of Delivering as One… We also see the UNDAP as supporting the country’s Leadership call for Duharanire Kwigira [striving for self-reliance]. The Government rightly aspires for much reduced aid dependency. The foundations for this have to be strengthened, and with the EDPRS II’s transformational orientation, we believe that attaining this goal is not far too off.”

“Turi kumwe [we are together] in improving the lives of Rwandans and in transforming the country” concluded the Resident Coordinator.