Strengthening Institutional Cap. Of ENR Sector (MoE)
The objectives of the programme will be achieved through the following outputs: 1) ENR sector capacities enhanced to optimize and scale-up sustainable and climate resilient management of natural capital resources; 2) Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy implemented in selected sectors; 3) National and local public institutions, CSOs, private sector technical capacities are strengthened to effectively and efficiently manage green growth financing mechanisms. The programme will contribute to the UNDAP 2018-2023 Outcome 4 and UNDP-CPD 2018-2023 Outcome 2, ‘By 2023 Rwandan institutions and communities are more equitably, productively and sustainably managing natural resources and addressing climate change’, and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17.