About UNDP in Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau
The Apia based UNDP office which was officially set up on 1st July 1979 covers four Pacific Island Countries in the South Pacific Polynesian sub-region. The UNDP Multi-Country Office aims to “make a difference in Pacific people’s lives” by supporting countries to accelerate progress on human development. The MCO works closely with the four Governments and Non-Government Organisations on development programmes in the areas of:
- Democratic Governance
- Poverty Reduction
- Crisis Prevention and Recovery
- Environment and Energy
- Women's Empowerment
The key decision makers in the UNDP Multi Country Office in Samoa are:
Ms Aliona Niculita, Resident Representative
Mr. Paolo Dalla Stella, Deputy Resident Representative
Ms. Ida Siregar, Operations Manager
Mr. Aussie Simanu, Assistant Resident Representative - Environment and Climate Change Unit
Ms Gaualofa M. Saaga, Assistant Resident Representative - Governance and Poverty Reduction Unit
The Resident Representative is the most senior official for the MCO. The Resident Representative is ultimately accountable for the quality and sustainability of UNDP interventions in the four programming countries under the purview of the MCO and for also ensuring that the MCO is in full compliance with UNDP policies and procedures.
The UNDP MCO works in partnership with the four Governments (Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau), non-Government organizations, civil society and the private sector, as well as international development partners and other United Nations agencies. Within each of the four programme countries, the Government has designated the line Ministry dealing with aid coordination as the Government Coordinating Agency ensuring that UNDP provides the most relevant support to their governments.
Mailing Address
UNDP Samoa, Multi-Country Office
Private Mail Bag,
Street Address
One UN Building
SIDS Street
Send an email