Učenici OŠ „Matko Vuković“, volonteri Kancelarije za mlade i migranti koji trenutno borave u Prihvatnom centru u Subotici, zajedničkim snagama su, 1. aprila, uredili dečje igralište u Zoološkom vrtu na Paliću. Rezultat je lepše okruženje za sve posetioce, a pogotovo one najmlađe. Četke za farbanje i mali valjak podelili su međusobno, a potom se zajednički upustili u doterivanje postojećeg mobilijara na igralištu. Vredan je bio i dvanaestogodišnji Vahid Barzadi iz Avganistana, koji sa svojom petočlanom porodicom boravi u Prihvatnom centru u Subotici mesec i po dana. Kaže da mu se Zoološki vrt dopada, naročito to što ima mnogo prostora za igranje. Da bi i druga deca mogla da se igraju, zasukao je rukave i pridružio se vršnjacima u farbanju ljuljaške. Današnja radna akcija realizovana je u okviru Podrške Evropske unije upravljanju migracijama u Republici Srbiji. Pored farbanja dečjih sprava za igranje, parku je doniran i novi mobilijar za odmor i odlaganje otpada. Jelena Marić Luković, ispred Podrške Evropske unije upravljanju migracijama u Republici Srbiji, rekla je da su ovom akcijom lokalna zajednica i migranti još jednom pokazali želju da doprinesu opštem dobru i gradu gde borave i žive. “Subotica je grad koji od 2015. godine beleži tranzit velikog broja izbeglica i migranata. Danas smo zajedno, kroz ovu volontersku akciju, ofarbali sve sprave koje se nalaze na dečjem igralištu. Donirali smo četiri nove klupe, kante za otpad i drugi potrošni materijal, koji će poslužiti da ovu oazu odmora malo ulepšamo i oplemenimo”, poručila je Marić Luković. Petar Savić, direktor Zoološkog vrta na Paliću, rekao je da ovu atrakciju godišnje poseti više od 150.000 posetilaca, od kojih polovinu čine deca. Dodao je i da je ova donacija utoliko značajnija, jer će u njoj moći da uživaju najmlađi.
On April 1st 2019, students of the primary school “Matko Vukovic”, volunteers of the Youth Office and migrants currently staying at the Reception Centre in Subotica, joined forces to refurbish the children's playground at the Palic Zoo. The result is a nicer environment for all visitors, especially the youngest ones.
They distributed paintbrushes and a small paint roller among themselves, and then jointly embarked on repainting the existing playground equipment. Among the hard-working people was twelve-year-old Vahid Barzadi from Afghanistan, who has been staying with his family of five at the Reception Centre in Subotica for a month and a half. He says he likes the Zoo, particularly the fact that there is plenty of space for playing. In order for other children to be able to play too, he rolled up his sleeves and joined his peers in painting the swing.
Today's voluntary work was organized within the EU Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia. In addition to painting the playing equipment for children, new benches and waste bins were also donated to the park.
Jelena Maric Lukovic, on behalf of the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, said that with this activity the local community and migrants have shown once again their desire to contribute to the common good and the city where they are staying and living.
“Subotica is a city that has been recording a transit of a large number of refugees and migrants since 2015. Today, through this voluntary activity, together we painted all the equipment at the children’s playground. We donated four new benches, waste bins and other supplies, which will be used to enrich this oasis of rest and make it a bit more beautiful”, said Ms Maric Lukovic.
Petar Savic, director of the Palic Zoo, said that more than 150,000 people visit this attraction annually, with half of them being children. He also added that this donation is even more significant because the youngest will benefit from it.