United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Office for IT and e-Government want to inform all interested parties that the deadline to apply for Open Data Challenge “Better availability of medical devices” has been extended. Open Data Challenge was announced on December 7, 2018, in order to solicitate innovative ideas, based on the open data released by the public institutions, and available on the National Open Data Portal (www.data.gov.rs).
New deadline for application to this challenge is March 15, 2019, until midnight.
We invite all interested parties, especially startups, civil society, small and medium enterprises, to apply and offer innovative solutions for this challenge, which is part of the ongoing Public call, with three different challenges. We will award three ideas, one per each challenge. Maximum amount for development of the winning solutions is USD 10.000,00, per solution. The final amount will be negotiated with the winners, depending on the complexity of the proposed solution, and the estimated market value.
Please find more details in here: http://www.undp.org.rs/download/tmp/UNDP_Izazov otvorenih podataka.pdf
You can download the application form in here: http://www.undp.org.rs/download/tmp/Formular za prijavu na izazov otvorenih podataka.docx
In order to present the challenge and gather all interested parties, we invite you to meetup devoted to the challenge “Better availability of medical devices”, which will take place on 7th March 2019, at 2 pm, in the premises of Startit center, Savska 5. Please RSVP via following link: https://www.meetup.com/Data-Science-Serbia/events/259324339/
Due date for application to two other ongoing challenges – “Meet Serbian municipalities” and “Raising awareness on level and changes of electromagnetic radiation” remains 28th February 2019, until midnight.