Advancing the capacities in the field of custody chain, crime scene investigations and the ballistic examinations

Project Background:

The EU Strategy Against Illicit Firearms, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW} and their Ammunition, identified that the scale of accumulation of SALW and ammunition in the Western Balkans, inadequate storage conditions, widespread illicit possession and gaps in  implementation  continue  to  limit the effectiveness of SALW control efforts. The Republic of Serbia adopted the regional Roadmap for SALW Control that envisages the Western Balkans as a safer region, where mechanisms fully harmonized with the EU and other international standards are in place to identify, prevent, prosecute, and control the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of firearms, ammunition and explosives. The Roadmap is a testimony of the consensus reached among all stakeholders in the Western Balkans about the current challenges, the overall targets to be reached and the timeline  of actions to be taken. Under the scope of this project UNDP is implementing the activities within the framework of the Roadmap.

Project Goal:

To assist the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia to efficiently perform crime scene investigations, analyze and store evidence, in line with international standards, within the wider support for tackling the misuse and illicit possession of Small Arms and Light Weapons.

Project Focus:

  • Developing standard operating procedures in the area of crime scene investigation, chain of custody and ballistics 

  • Increasing the knowledge and skills of the crime scene investigators

  • Improving laboratory inventory management system

  • Procuring equipment for CSI teams and ballistic laboratory in line with forensic best practices