Civil Service Training for the 21st Century in the Republic of Serbia

The National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) was founded in 2018 in order to provide a well-rounded approach to professional development of civil servants in the public sector and to establish a link between the skills and knowledge building of civil servants and the strategies and objectives of Public Administration Reform (PAR). 

This project will provide further support to NAPA through: institutional capacity building by establishing systems, processes and tools and development of innovative learning tools and a centre of excellence for public sector and human resource development.


To develop an effective and professional civil service by enhancing the skills and knowledge of management staff and civil servants in public institutions on national and local level through their continuous training. 


• Supporting the further development of NAPA by providing professional training for NAPA staff and equipping the institution with hardware and software;

• Designing new, innovative, and competitive training programs for civil servants and redesigning of existing ones in line with needs of the public sector and the latest global trends of public administration development for aligning to the 4th industrial revolution;

• Introducing modern e-learning platforms for civil servant trainings, using effective electronic multimedia educational technologies;

• Supporting NAPA’s international cooperation activities, educational research, as well as outreach activities in order to ensure greater visibility of NAPA’s mission and activities.

Download a short summary(link is external) of the project.