Higher Education Minister launches project to advance youth development in the automotive sector

May 27, 2022

Senior representatives from the Department of Higher Education and Training, Japanese Embassy, UNDP South Africa, Toyota Motors South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government, and Coastal KZN TVET college at the launch of “Automotive Training and Re-Skilling in the Post-COVID Economic Recovery for Vulnerable Youth and Women in South Africa” project.

Toyota Motors SA

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) South Africa and the Government of Japan (GoJ), have collaborated to promote youth empowerment through a project to advance vocational training in line with South Africa’s development priorities.

On May 27, 2022, Minister Dr Blade Nzimande launched the “Automotive Training and Re-Skilling in the Post-COVID Economic Recovery for Vulnerable Youth and Women in South Africa(link is external)” project at the Coastal KZN College (Swinton Campus) as one of the beneficiary colleges, as well as Tshwane South College (Pretoria), and Northlink College (Cape Town).

In July 2021, UNDP South Africa and DHET signed a memorandum of understanding for a project to up-skill youth and women for skills relevant to the automotive industry, supported by the Government of Japan.

In support of this initiative and aligned to Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) youth empowerment programs, TSAM signed an MOU with UNDP in December 2021, which culminated in the official opening of the Toyota Manufacturing Academy (TMA) at the Swinton Campus of the Coastal KZN TVET College. TSAM established the TMA to broaden and strengthen its training capacity and work towards further empowering youth to become future leaders in a reindustrialised South Africa.

The implementation of the project dates to March 2021 and since then a series of interventions have been delivered to contribute to South Africa’s economic recovery through various skills development activities and to strengthen the capacity of TVET colleges to align with the post-COVID-19 economy and labour market needs, including the provision of learning equipment.

This support has benefited the Coastal KZN College automotive training through a provision of machining, electronics, electrical workshop and ICT equipment. The workshop equipment provision complements the work that TSAM is already doing as they are supporting 24 young people through the academy. Tshwane South and Northlink colleges have both received digital learning equipment, including laptops, interactive whiteboards, projectors, and digital content for soft skills development. 24 lecturers from all the colleges have been trained on blended teaching techniques.

A needs assessment study was conducted and revealed the need to upgrade training workshops, ICT, and soft skills, which then informed the activities of this project. Additionally, 64 young people (26 women) have been trained on work readiness and gender equality and social inclusion. This collaboration has supported the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative through promoting the SAYouth platform where 11,500 students signed up to be linked to opportunities and 530 found employment opportunities to date.


Statement quotes


Dr Blade Nzimande – Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (DHET)

“I have always advocated for an increased partnership between our TVET Colleges and the industry as we continuously enhance our curriculum to respond to the needs of the industry. I therefore directed that all our TVET colleges embrace the latest National List of Occupations in High Demand (OIHD) in South Africa which I publicly announced. The list reflects the work undertaken by the DHET, through the Labour Market Intelligence research programme, to support human resource development in our country. Furthermore, in 2018, my Department of Higher Education and Training embarked on a campaign to launch 26 Centres of Specialisation, prioritising 13 occupational trades in high demand, with the aim of curbing the shortage of trade skills while reducing unemployment and poverty in our country. These 26 Centres of Specialisation are located at 19 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges across the country.”

Dr Ayodele Odusola – Resident Representative for UNDP South Africa

“Youth development is key to addressing address the triple development challenges of poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Horning their skills and unlocking their untapped talent not only promote inclusive and sustainable economic development but also have a transformational impact on society. We are very proud of many achievements in youth development the project has made in such a short period through the multi-stakeholder partnerships.

H.E Mr Norio Maruyama – Japan Ambassador of Japan to South Africa

“I recognize that TMA is the master class training for TVET and totally new concept of international cooperation. TSAM committed not only for training the students but also be responsible for their future carrier. The project outcome is very visible, it actually creates jobs! This year, we are going to hold the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8), in Tunisia. I convince that TMA is one of the major achievements of TICAD, which was achieved through the cooperation of the Japanese government, international organizations and private companies. I would like to showcase TMA as best practice and enlarge this succeed to broader Africa with UNDP as a cosponsor of TICAD.

Mr Suben Moodley -Toyota South Africa Motor Senior Vice President

“Traditional markets are being redefined as new types of vehicles are introduced, ranging from hybrid to plug-in hybrid, battery electric and fuel cell electric vehicles, with a wide range of driver assistance systems, which require digitisation and smart factory systems with the skills set to go along with them. Equally important, soft skills such as resilience, flexibility, problem solving, and creativity will be highly valued. So, the challenge is not just technical skills but a combination of soft and technical skills,”




For more information, or media interviews please contact:

Ntokozo Mahlangu – Communications Analyst, UNDP: 060 533 6760 (Cell) ntokozo.mahlangu@undp.org (Email)

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