Celebrating Women in Uniform

Commemorating the Second Anniversary of the SSSWN

August 9, 2024
a group of people in uniform

A contigent of the women in the South Sudan Wildlife Services marching during the Women in Uniform Day Celebrations.


The South Sudan Security Sector Women’s Network (SSSWN) commemorated its second anniversary through the Women in Uniform Day held on 28 July 2024. The event recognized and celebrated the accomplishments and progress made by the network in advancing the role of women in the security sector. The event was held with support from PBF funding administered by UN Women, UNESCO, UNDP, with UNMISS as a technical partner.

Established in 2022, the SSSWN aims to promote women's participation in the security sector and enhance the leadership and welfare of women working in this field.

Themed “Women in Uniform Day: Building a Network, Advancing Peace in South Sudan,” the event attracted over 500 participants, including members of the South Sudan Security Sector Women’s Network, service chiefs from the security sector, government officials, UN agencies, diplomatic corps, the Resident Coordinator's office, and other relevant stakeholders. The Rt. Hon. Speaker of the NTLA and the Minister of Interior graced the event.

The commemoration celebrated the achievements of the SSSWN in enhancing women's roles within the security sector while also raising awareness about the critical importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in the security sector. Additionally, the event served as a platform for advocacy, promoting ongoing support for gender mainstreaming and encouraging women's leadership in security institutions, with a proposal to recognize July 28th as a national day for women in uniform. Furthermore, it facilitated networking opportunities among women in the security sector, fostering collaboration and initiatives for the future. Finally, the new Peace Building Fund project “Women in South Sudan's Security Sector: A Path to Inclusive and Transformative Leadership” was launched, and the third anniversary of South Sudan’s current 5-year eligibility for PBF funding was celebrated as well.

Lt. Col. Harriet Fauzia, the chair of the SSSWN noted that women in the security sector institutions in face a myriad of challenges that hinder their full participation and effectiveness. Some of these challenges include: cultural and societal norms, gender discrimination, lack of representation, limited access to education and training, inadequate support systems, and trauma and psychological impact due to the prolonged conflict and violence. LT. Col. Fauzia, further noted that amidst these challenges, the Network has made strides and highlighted the milestones achieved since the inception of the network. 

“So far, after the formation of the network, we have conducted peer to peer learning, advocacy to the commanders-advocating for gender-mainstreaming, welfare, capacity building and promotions for women as well as supported policy processes-like the National Action Plan on Gender and Security Sector.”

Hon. Pia Philip Michael, the Undersecretary of Peace Building Ministry, echoed the importance of gender equality and women empowerment, underscoring the need for the implementation of the peace agreement process to be gender responsive including the security sector to build on the present gains where more women are now holding key positions in the government.


a man and a woman looking at the camera

Anita Kiki Gbeho, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Resident Coordinator at the Women in Uniform day celebrations


Anita Kiki Gbeho, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Resident Coordinator, stated in her speech that the UN’s commitment to gender equality is inspired by the dedication of South Sudanese women in uniform.

In her remarks, The Minister of Interior, Hon. Dr. Angelina Teny, acknowledged that the transformation of the security sector requires commitment and political will from the country, the government, and those in the sector. This was echoed by the Rt. Hon. Speaker of the NTLA.

“We must encourage women to pursue careers in the security sector and collectively recognize and support them in addressing the challenges they face. By acknowledging their unique contributions and sacrifices we can create a more supportive environment” Nunu Kumba, the Speaker of the National Legislative.