Donor Field Visit to Aweil

South Sudan


UNDP’s development work and its support to South Sudan, puts partnership at the heart of our work. A great deal of UNDP’s innovative programming and critical development work is made possible thanks to the generosity, commitment and resolve of our donors and partner institutions.

The funding UNDP receives from its donors is channeled directly towards programming that strengthens the capacity of national bodies to manage the peace and development process.

UNDP’s donors – Canada, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK to name just a few – do not only contribute financially; they are an integral part of the decision-making process. UNDP works directly with its national and international partners on all aspects of project formulation, implementation and monitoring.

Regular project board meetings, an Inter-Ministerial Approval Committee and annual reviews of UNDP’s South Sudan programme ensure that all our partners are engaged with projects and able to evaluate UNDP’s activities and achievements across various sectors.

The number and diversity of donors contributing to UNDP programmes confirms the confidence of the national government and the international and local community in our role as a partner of choice for sustainable development.

The following graphs show where our funding comes from and how it is spent. Sharing this information is part of UNDP’s commitment to transparency and accountability to our funders, partners, project participants and the public.

To explore more parameters of our funding, please go to is external).