South Sudan

Human Development and Inclusive Growth

UNDP believes in development that benefits the poor. Our programme supports our partners in South Sudan to plan, monitor, evaluate and implement poverty reduction initiatives that are inclusive and sustainable

Our Goals 
Emerging from decades of war and instability, South Sudan’s recovery has occurred in stages. Initially, there was a need for crucial, emergency assistance. Following this, the formation of government meant the need for institution building and strengthening of State structures. While this important work is ongoing, the next stage is coming into focus, as South Sudan moves from a recovery phase to a development agenda. 


Human Development & Inclusive Growth 
UNDP believes in development that benefits the poor. Our programme supports our partners in South Sudan to plan, monitor, evaluate and implement poverty reduction initiatives that are inclusive and sustainable. 

Strengthening non-oil revenue collection 
The ability of government to sustainably expand the domestic resource base and efficiently allocate these resources in a transparent and equitable manner for service delivery will constitute the foundation for building public trust and confidence in government. UNDP is planning to strengthen domestic revenue administration at subnational levels and improve capacity to formulate harmonized tax laws, regulatory frameworks and policies across states. 

Support to Trade Capacity Development 
UNDP aims to help the Government of South Sudan to build domestic competitiveness and leverage regional and international trade for sustainable economic development in the country. UNDP will also support channeling of multilateral trade-related development assistance in South Sudan. 

Climate Change and Adaptation 
Climate change is one of the most important threats to the development of South Sudan. UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management proposes to establish a climate monitoring and early warning system for timely provision of information to enhance disaster preparedness and reduce the vulnerability of local communities to floods and droughts. 

Renewable Energy for Poverty Reduction 
Clean and renewable energy solutions lie at the heart of South Sudan’s pursuit for sustainable development. UNDP objective is to develop decentralized renewable energy solutions which open up new economic opportunities for women and youth including through becoming energy entrepreneurs. 

Support to Entrepreneurship 
South Sudan has high levels of unemployment and underemployment and an untapped economic potential and a huge demographic dividend bulge with a high majority of the population between 18-32 years of age. UNDP aims to enhance local economic development, employability and contribute to improved livelihoods for vulnerable urban and rural communities.