Internal Control & Corporate Governance Manual
Internal Control & Corporate Governance Manual
May 15, 2017
The Internal Control and Corporate Governance Manual serves as a guide to assist UNDP partners in South Sudan with day-to-day performance and management functions.
In this Manual, UNDP aims to improve and develop its partners’ expertise in financial management, procurement, human resources management, asset management, as well as corporate governance, in order to mitigate risks and build corporate compliance capacities. This Manual is designed so that its contents can be updated and revised annually.
Revisions result either from changes to existing policy, or from improvements to practices in the daily work of UNDP partners, as identified by end users of this Manual.
The summary manual is intended to provide a quick introduction to each of the five Parts of the main Manual,: it summarises the core elements of each Part, and provides page references to take the reader to the full explanation of the topic about which he or she is seeking guidance.
- PART 1 - Corporate Governance Guidelines
- PART 2 - Financial Management Guidelines
- PART 3 - Procurement Management Guidelines
- PART 4 - Human Resource Management Guidelines
- PART 5 - Fixed Assets Management Guidelines
If you are part of a civil society organization in South Sudan and you are interested in having this manual. Please, contact