Policy Brief: Strengthening Agricultural Value Chains & AfCFTA Linkages in South Sudan: Opportunities and Challenges

Policy Brief: Strengthening Agricultural Value Chains & AfCFTA Linkages in South Sudan: Opportunities and Challenges
October 13, 2023
This policy brief provides a combination of policy interventions that would strengthen agricultural value chain linkages to the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
The AfCFTA provides market opportunities and a supportive business environment for trading ‘Made in South Sudan’ products throughout the African continent. However, within South Sudan there are policy related constraints that affect the development of agriculture products and linking these to the AfCFTA. These include delayed ratification of the AfCFTA Agreement; non-tariff barriers to trade within the country and across its borders; slow adoption of standards and certifications; lack of harmonization of national tariffs with the East Africa Community Common External Tariff (EAC CET); lack of institutional structures to implement the rules of origin; and lack of economic incentives for private sector MSMEs led by women and youth to develop products for the AfCFTA.
The potential benefits of participation in the AfCFTA include a reduction in tariffs and the establishment of a continental framework for trade in goods and services. This is expected to drive structural transformation in South Sudan through increased investment in the seven agriculture value chains where the country has comparative advantage.
The full report on Strengthening Agricultural Value Chains & AfCFTA Linkages in South Sudan: Opportunities and Challenges can be found here