
Važno obaveštenje za dobavljače / ponuđače: Prelazak na Quantum On-Line System u postupcima nabavki koje sprovodi UNDP  

 Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas obavestimo da UNDP, na globalnom nivou, prelazi na novi ERP Quantum sistem koji će biti korišćen u postupcima nabavki, a zbog povlačenja Atlas eTendering sistema. 

UNDP-ov Quantum je on-line sistem koji služi za interakciju sa dobavljačima / ponuđačima u postupcima nabavki (tendera, koji se u novom sistemu nazivaju “negotiations”), kao i za upravljanje ugovorima. 

Quantum on-line sistem ima za cilj da unapredi integritet i transparentnost postupaka nabavki, i da pojednostavi procese: Dobavljači / ponuđači mogu da koriste on-line portal da pregledaju tenderski dokument, podnesu ponudu, komuniciraju sa timom za nabavke, itd. 

Quantum naglašava osnovne vrednosti postupka nabavke, kao što su: pravičnost, integritet, transparentnost i odgovornost.  

Neke od glavnih prednosti Quantum-a su: 

  • Neblagovremene ponude neće biti prihvaćene: Sistem će automatski odbiti sve ponude nakon isteka roka (datum i vreme su jasno navedeni u svakom „negotiation“-u). 
  • Elektronski zatvorene ponude: Sistem šifruje podnete ponude u sistemu i nikome ne dozvoljava uvid u bilo koju dostavljenu informaciju pre nego što istekne rok za podnošenje ponuda. 
  • Elektronsko zaključavanje ponuda: Sistem zaključava sve informacije koje su dostavili dobavljači / ponuđači i nikome ne dozvoljava da menja, briše ili dodaje bilo koji detalj u dostavljenoj ponudi nakon isteka roka za podnošenje. 
  • Pojednostavljuje postupak nadmetanja: Dobavljači / ponuđači mogu da se registruju u sistemu, preuzmu sve informacije i tendersku dokumentaciju, podnesu svoju ponudu on-line, menjaju je direktno u sistemu pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda i dobiju automatska obaveštenja kada se završi evaluacija ponuda i dodeli ugovor. 
  • Obezbeđuje revizorski trag: Pošto Supplier Portal system beleži sve aktivnosti u sistemu, time se čuva revizorski trag sa ciljem veće odgovornosti i transparentnosti. 

Dobavljači / ponuđači koji žele da učestvuju u nabavkama koje sprovodi UNDP, moraju da imaju registrovan profil u Quantum-u. Detaljna uputstva za registraciju ponuđača se nalaze u Uputstvu za korisnike (Quantum Procurement - User Guide for UNDP Suppliers - October 2022) ispod. U slučaju da dobavljač / ponuđač već ima registrovan supplier profil u Quantum-u, može da se prijavi putem Quantum’s Supplier Portal-a, a zatim pronađe negotiation (tender) za koji je zainteresovan i da podnese ponudu u skladu sa datim uputstvima u gorenavedenom Uputstvu za korisnike.  

Za sva pitanja vezana za konkretan postupak nabavke koji organizuje UNDP Srbija, molimo Vas da kontaktirate tim za nabavke UNDP Srbija putem elektronske pošte:, da jasno navedete referentni broj Quantum negotiation-a (konkretnog tendera za koji ste zainteresovani) i da kratko opišete pitanje u vezi sa tenderom u Subject polju i tekstu e-maila. 

Više informacija, dodatne resurse i vodiče za UNDP nabavke možete pronaći na globalnoj internet stranici UNDP-a: is external).

Radujemo se uspešnom korišćenju Quantum sistema i zahvaljujemo se na Vašem interesovanju za saradnju sa UNDP-om! 

Korisni linkovi: 

UNDP Procurement Notices(link is external) 

Quantum Supplier Portal(link is external) 

UNDP General Procurement Information (in UN Languages) - Doing Business with UNDP - How We Buy 


Tenders / Procurement Notices

Tenders/Procurement Notices can be found at English version of this web page.

Procurement notices for contracts over $100,000


No.Procurement NoticeAmounts awarded (USD)Vendor selected/Date of Contract
1. Consultancy Services for BIO4 Campus Project Optimization196,441EnPlus DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 5/7/2023
2. Provision of recruitment & employment and headhunting services450,000City Scope Enterprises doo, Belgrade, Serbia, 20/07/2023
3. Provision of recruitment & employment and headhunting services450,000Sequester Employment doo, Belgrade, Serbia, 20/07/2023
4. Firefighting/specialized vehicles for counteracting forest and wildfires1,497,300VATROSPREM PROIZVODNJA DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 25/07/2023
5. Consulting support for further expansion of the Government Data Center in Kragujevac, Serbia – Phase II155,000Arthur D Little, Vienna, Austria, 06/08/2023
6.Preparation of Technical Design Documentation for the Construction of the “Innovation District” – Data Centre complex in Kragujevac100,500CEP, Serbia, 14/8/2023
7. Preparation of TD  for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, and adaptation of the Microbiological laboratories of the IPH Nis and Kragujevac132,000ENERGOPROJEKT URBANIZAM I ARHITEKTURA, Serbia 31/08/2023
8. Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the settlements Ogar and Brestac in the municipality of Pecinci182,700Ehting d.o.o., Serbia, 22/9/2023
9. Provision of standardized analysis of construction works costs120,000ARUP D.O.O. BEOGRAD, Serbia, 15/11/2023
10. eParliament System for Mionica243,987Telegroup doo Beograd, Serbia, 05/12/2023
11.Equipment for CP, Serbia - mobile phones, laptops and DSL cameras (Re-adv)105,885KING ICT, Belgrade, Serbia 13/12/2023
12. Design and implementation of a national public awareness raising campaign on the importance of green transformation314,203NEW MOMENT NEW IDEAS COMPANY DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia 22/12/2023
13.Supervision of works - Clinic of Neurosurgery UKCS in Belgrade149,720KRIP INZENJERING DOO, Serbia, 29/12/2023
14.Preparation of the technical documentation for reconstruction of the former hotel Jablanica in Valjevo into high school students dormitory148,000Quiddita doo, Serbia,  22/01/2024
15.Preparation of Technical Documentation for the Reconstruction and Construction of Sewage Network in the Municipality of Veliko Gradiste228,375BEOHIDRO DOO, Serbia, 14/02/2024
16.Preparation of Technical Documentation – Concept Designs for Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Accompanying Infrastructure in the Municipality of Backa Palanka233,450EHTING D.O.O., Serbia, 14/02/2024
17. Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Reconstruction, Adaptation, Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Existing Facilities of the Zemun Medical Center199,375ENERGOPROJEKT URBANIZAM I ARHITEKTURA, Serbia, 14/02/2024
18.Preparation of the Technical Documentation for Reconstruction of the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia525,800Masinoprojekt KOPRING, Serbia, 20/02/2024
19. Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the settlement Deč in the municipality of Pecinci184,500BEOHIDRO DOO, Serbia, 26/02/2024
20.Reconstruction of the public administrative building Draze Pavlovic 15310,696JUGOGRADNJA DOO, Serbia, 25/03/2024
21.Drones and related trainings for Border Police, and Criminal Police
LOT 1, Belgrade (9 drones),
LOT 2 Skopje (9 drones),
LOT 3 Tirana (11 drones)
840,455Agencija KAMIR d.o.o. Široki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 28/3/2024
22.Supervision of Additional Construction Works on the New Building of the “Biosense” Institute in Novi Sad174,250AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 23/04/2024
23.Upgrade works at MoI storage locations in Balti, as well as the GPI evidence rooms at Chisinau and Edinet Police Inspectorates180,577.79(R) 7 SERVICII IMOBILIARE, Moldova, 24/04/2024
24.Technical Control of the Design for Building Permit for the Construction of the BIO4 Campus – Part II192,480ASMEC CONSULTANTS DOO BEOGRAD, Serbia, 25/04/2024
25.Technical Control of the Design for Building Permit for the Construction of the BIO4 Campus – Part I205,860CEP, Serbia, 25/04/2024
26.Preparation of Technical Documentation for Construction of the New City Stadium in Kragujevac500,200AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 26/04/2024
27.Construction works - New Centre for Social Welfare Kikinda Re-Advertised, Phase I1,163,930JUGOGRADNJA DOO, Serbia, 29/04/2024
28.LTA Mobile phone services165,500Yettel doo, Serbia, 06/05/2024
29.Disaster Risk Register software upgrade733,000Igea LTD, Slovenia, 28/05/2024
30.Equipment for Criminal Police of Moldova:Long-sighted day/night binoculars, Head-mounted night vision binoculars, Thermal Imaging Binoculars163,197.60BU COMBINES, India, 29/5/2024
31.Equipment for Border Police of Albania-Handheld detector of explosives and narcotics (12 pcs) and Handheld Xray scanner (3 pcs)329,485MEDILAB SAL, Lebanon, 2/6/2024
32.Supervision of Construction Works on sewage system in the municipality of Priboj246,000AG INSTITUT DOO NOVI SAD, Serbia, 14/06/2024
33.Research on Factors Fueling Demand and Misuse of Firearms164,990Ipsos Strategic Marketing doo, Serbia, 24/6/2024
34.Reconstruction of the Administration building in Kneginje Ljubice 5 in Belgrade1,164,709.92Modulor d.o.o. Serbia, 28/6/2024